WILD VIDEO: Airline Passenger FREAKS OUT Over Crying Toddler

A video surfaced on Tuesday capturing a Southwest Airlines passenger throwing a tantrum on a flight bound to Orlando, due to a crying toddler onboard.

Watch the video below:

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15 seconds

15 seconds

The unnamed passenger expressed his frustration towards the infant, the parents, and the Southwest flight attendants trying to defuse the situation. The passenger was heard yelling at the baby and claimed that he paid for a comfortable flight.

“I paid for a ticket to have a f–king comfortable flight,” the man shouted. “That child has been crying for 40 minutes!”

As the Southwest crew tried to calm him down, the passenger grew angrier.

“I’m not screaming. Do you want me to scream? I’ll f–king scream,” the passenger shouted. “We are in a f–king tin can with a baby in a goddamn echo chamber and you wanna talk to me about being f–king OK?”

The man continued to rant and was eventually surrounded by security and police officers at Orlando Airport. The video ended with the man being walked out by the officers. It is unclear if the passenger faced any consequences from the police or the airline over his outburst.

In response, Southwest issued a statement apologizing to the other customers onboard and commending their crew for handling the challenging situation professionally.

“We commend our crew for exhibiting outstanding professionalism while handling a challenging situation, and we offer our apologies to the other customers onboard who had to experience such unacceptable behavior.”