The Woke Mob Comes for Jon Gruden

The Woke Mob Comes for Jon Gruden

Host of the ‘Fearless’ podcast, Jason Whitlock, sits down with Jesse to discuss the Raiders firing Head Coach Jon Gruden over leaked emails from over ten years ago, as part of an investigation into the Washington Football team. Gruden has since apologized and stated that he is not racist, and any insensitive remarks made were not intended to cause any harm to anyone. As Jason Whitlock explains, Gruden’s firing was because he wasn’t on board with the Leftist agenda that the NFL follows, and he just so happened to be that sacrificial lamb. Jesse and Jason also discuss the Nets banning Kyrie Irving for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine. This is not America, nor is it American freedom, and more people need to do exactly what Kyrie Irving is doing by standing up against the establishment.

Jesse Kelly-Oct 12

Jesse Kelly-Oct 12

Jesse Kelly is great. We all know this. But what makes this the best show ever? How about Jason Whitlock? He’ll join Jesse to discuss the woke mob canceling NFL coach Jon Gruden as well as NBA-star Kyrie Irving standing up to anti-science mandates. Then, Jesse will be joined by Pastor Artur Pawlowski, who was recently arrested for holding church ceremonies in Canada. Could those kinds of restrictions be coming here? That’s the question that will be answered. If you thought that wasn’t enough, how about Five For Fighting making an appearance? John Ondrasik talks about his new song, which slams Joe Biden and the woke generals for their miserable Afghanistan withdrawal. Speaking of woke generals, we also have a SUPER edition of This Week In Wokeism. And to top it all off, Jesse reveals how to make the best burger ever.

School Board Covers Up Assault, Vilifies Father

School Board Covers Up Assault, Vilifies Father

Scott Smith. Do you recognize that name? Scott Smith is a Loudoun County parent, who was arrested back in June after speaking out at a school board meeting, and also who the NSBA now considers to be the face of “domestic terrorism” across America. Yet, Scott’s world got turned upside down when his ninth-grade daughter was raped in a bathroom at school, and the Loudon County school district decided to cover-up the entire thing. Dana Loesch shares the HORRIFYING details of this case, as she discusses the DOJ targeting parents and the Left-wing lunatics who are ruining America’s public schools.

The System Controls Our Perceptions

The System Controls Our Perceptions

We, as a nation, are so DESPERATE for the truth. We have our government and leaders of our country, who constantly lie to us and deviate from the truth so much, that we don’t know what to believe. Case in point, the Southwest Airlines debacle. We have Southwest Airlines and major news outlets peddling the lies that over 1,800 flights have been cancelled, due to severe weather patterns disrupting air travel. How is that the case when no other airline was affected by this so-called ‘bad weather?’ Or, was it that the pilots and crew staged a massive ‘sickout’ in protest of the company’s vaccine mandates? The government, the media, and even Big Tech are colluding together to cover up THE TRUTH, to change our perception of reality, and to have that power over us that they aim for. It’s the lack of clarity, the lack of information, and the lack of truth that Americans are starving for. Mike Slater shares more about this on today’s show.

The Dana Show – Oct 12

The Dana Show – Oct 12

Loudoun County School sexual assault, child rape enablers, Kamala Harris’s NASA video, Netflix CEO defends Dave Chappelle Stand-Up, Global Supply-chain crisis, FedEx & UPS release 2021 shipping deadlines, Indiana family receives coronavirus vaccine instead of a flu shot, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to ban private company vaccine mandate, Quickfive, FL man, Today in stupidity & more.