School board meetings around the country are becoming battlegrounds as parents push back against both onerous COVID-19 mandates and the introduction of critical race theory into their children’s curricula. In response, teachers unions and the federal government have vowed to treat the protesting parents as they would domestic terrorists. On this special edition of Hold The Line we take a look at parents, schools and the growing struggle for control over America’s classrooms.

Protecting Our Kids in the Battle Against Radical Indoctrination

Protecting Our Kids in the Battle Against Radical Indoctrination

Parent Fighting Against critical race theory, Nicole Solas, joins the shows to discuss the DOJ and Attorney General Merrick Garland targeting concerned parents and labeling them as ‘domestic terrorists,’ how she simply spoke up and asked what was being taught in her child’s classroom and now she is facing a lawsuit because of it, and why she feels like country is no longer the America she was knew and loved because our freedom is now at risk.

The Honey Badger Mentality

The Honey Badger Mentality

Have you ever wondered what the driving motivation or mindset of passive individuals is? People nowadays are so passive, so cowardly, afraid to step their necks into anything, in fear of being shut down or held back. The truth is, being fearful is a revolutionary mechanism. We have a fear-based response built in us, but life is all about finding that sweet spot between too fearful, and not being sufficiently fearful. Author of “The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense,” Gad Saad, Ph.D., is here to discuss all this, the honey badger mentality that he feels we all should have, and how this ties into government overreach: Your freedom at risk.



Are we really free? How in God’s name are we at a point in America where half of us are asking this question…and worrying about how much worse it’s going to get? It’s rhetorical, of course; because looking back it’s easy to see how the Leftists/globalists/elites (one and the same) tactically began to dismantle the foundation of our country’s founding. And the contagion of crackdowns, lockdowns, and mandates is worldwide. In this special, Slater talks to modern day Freedom Fighters, seeking to preserve what precious liberties we still have — and maybe even turn the tide.

O’Reilly / Trump: Joe Biden is Bad

O’Reilly / Trump: Joe Biden is Bad

Bill O’Reilly sits down to interview President Trump and asks about the real Joe Biden. Afghanistan – a catastrophe, high inflation, a collapsed border. How can somebody be this bad?

“You would almost say nobody can be that stupid. Nobody can be doing this thinking it’s good… he must be doing it on purpose.”

Watch the full interview Monday, October 18th @ 8pm on the First –

Left Denies ‘Defund the Police’ Support

Left Denies ‘Defund the Police’ Support

Murders are skyrocketing, hundreds upon hundreds of people shot already this year, residents asking to declare it as a war zone; This is the shocking reality in Minnesota and downtown Minneapolis, yet the Left DENIES the ‘defund the police support.’ Defund the police is failing in Minnesota. Over one third of Police Officers have already left their ranks in the past 18 months. They have no support from elected officials, and residents are fleeing the state left and right. Former Hennepin County, Minnesota Sheriff, Rick Stanek joins the show to share the heartbreaking reality in Minnesota.

Fallout from the 2020 Election

Fallout from the 2020 Election

Jesse Kelly shares the shocking news headlines on election integrity in the U.S., including the new poll out that shows 56% of Americans believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, the Arizona Attorney General confirming an investigation into election fraud, Georgia election workers fired for shredding voter applications, and a Wisconsin judge ordering the release of 2020 election investigation records.

Leaked Border Documents REVEAL It All

Leaked Border Documents REVEAL It All

This may just be the BIGGEST story in the country. The Biden administration is reshaping America into something much, much worse. We don’t even know who we are welcoming in, and there is no indication that this isn’t going to stop or slow down, and leaked documents show it’s going to get EVEN WORSE. Jesse Kelly exposes the border crisis, as the explains why it’s all about the Dems getting votes.

The Political Crime Family

The Political Crime Family

Sometimes we like to celebrate anniversaries on the show. This just happens to be one of those times. It’s the one-year anniversary of the Hunter Biden story! Hunter Biden is an extremely corrupt individual, and he has used his father as an aid in that corruption, AND his father was getting paid for it. The system, on the other hand, didn’t want to let you see or even know any of this information. The media covered it up and banned the story from spreading. Yet, only THREE WEEKS AGO, the media finally authenticated everything that was on the laptop. That is just how broken, corrupt, and disgusting the American media is. Jesse Kelly shares the details on Joe Biden and his political crime family.

The Left Aims to DESTROY You Until You Cave

The Left Aims to DESTROY You Until You Cave

The destruction that President Biden’s vaccine mandates have brought to this country is indisputable. Although we have GOP leaders like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Texas Governor Greg Abbott fighting back against Biden’s unconstitutional mandates, not enough of us are standing up to the tyranny. The Federal government has linked arms with corporate America, who’s linked arms with Hollywood, the education system, and the Federal bureaucracies. They are all aiming their sights on the people on the Right, to destroy YOU until you cave to them. Jesse Kelly gives us the hard truth on where our country is at right now.