What Is This, The Vacation Administration?

What Is This, The Vacation Administration?

We are all now well aware of how Afghanistan turned out to be the biggest foreign policy disaster in the United States since Vietnam, as everything about it was handled horribly wrong. Well, while the botched U.S. withdrawal was going on, Joe Biden and Jen Psaki were both on vacation. Now, we have a global supply crisis, and the Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg also went on a two-month-long vacation, or as he liked to call it, ‘paternity leave.’ Jesse Kelly has the details on the vacation administration.

Vaccine Mandates are EVIL

Vaccine Mandates are EVIL

A Washington State Trooper, who has served 22 years on the force protecting people, is now being forced to resign over the vaccine mandate that recently went into effect, as he is now being looked at like a ‘dirty unvaccinated individual,’ because that’s EXACTLY what the Left wants you to think. The Left’s public shaming of the unvaccinated has got to stop. These vaccine mandates are evil, and if you support mandates, you are Jesse’s enemy. These mandates are costing good people jobs, like the Washington State Trooper, like the Washington State University Head Football Coach, and like ESPN Reporter Allison Williams. Healthcare workers, teachers, and others who are protecting US are getting fired for choosing their personal freedom, by not getting vaccinated. You do not have to conform to society. Jesse Kelly shares his heated thoughts on the evil vaccine mandates.

Jesse Kelly-Oct 19

Jesse Kelly-Oct 19

Americans are starting to stand up against communist mandates and Jesse Kelly has the perfect example to show you. Jesse also has a bone to pick with one particular Biden cabinet member that put his own personal desires over the American people. Plus, there’s shocking new details from how the Biden administration is handling the border and Blake Masters is here to react. Will the media hold Biden accountable? Speaking of the media, Ron Desantis press secretary Christina Pushaw sounds off on how the left continues to come for the state of Florida.

DeSantis’ Press Secretary: Freedom Prevails in Florida

DeSantis’ Press Secretary: Freedom Prevails in Florida

Have you noticed that the Left is all of a sudden silent as Florida COVID cases drop? Weren’t they just obsessed with Florida a month or so ago? Could it be that the state is one of the lowest in the country in terms of COVID prevalence, and Biden is intimidated by Governor Ron DeSantis’ leadership and common-sense approach? Press Secretary for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Christina Pushaw, joins the show to discuss how Florida is stepping up in the fight against Biden’s unconstitutional and inhumane mandates, as they hope to set an example for the rest of the country, and why she feels the Left is so bothered by the state of Florida.

Bystanders WATCH As Woman Is Raped on the Train

Bystanders WATCH As Woman Is Raped on the Train

What may be the most disheartening story thus far, comes out of Pennsylvania, where a woman was raped on board a SEPTA train, as bystanders witnessed the attack, but did not intervene. What is wrong with America? Americans’ values are in crisis. Our country and city leaders care more about enforcing mask mandates, telling us what to put into our bodies, mobs walk into restaurants demanding people raise their fists for social justice; Yet, NO ONE, not one person lifted a finger on the train to help this defenseless woman out. We are failing as a nation, America. Dana Loesch has the details on this heartbreaking story.

The Dana Show – Oct 19

The Dana Show – Oct 19

Biden’s secret flights, alarming statistics on fully vaccinated deaths, “the big lie,” #LetsGoBrandon, Delta CEO Ed Bastian refuses to impose vaccine mandate, Rainy Day Lunch Announcement, global supply chain crisis, Miami private school orders vaccinated students to stay home, “lower your expectations,” School board fight in my town China’s hypersonic missile, Quickfive, FL man, Today in stupidity & more.