‘The Woke Screws Up Everything’

‘The Woke Screws Up Everything’

Well, say it isn’t so. The woke mob just has to ruin everything, including DC’s superhero characters. Most recently, a comic book artist quit DC Comics, because they are canceling Superman’s patriotism, as the Man of Steel will no longer fight for “truth, justice, and the American way.” As the artist states, he is tired of the Leftists, aka the bigots, ruining everything. Dana Loesch bends the knee on the cultural revolution in America.

Dana Loesch-Oct 21

Dana Loesch-Oct 21

NIH admits funding gain of function research at Wuhan lab; Rep. Kevin Brady joins to discuss the IRS turning into a spy agency; Rep. Tony Gonzalas joins to discuss the latest threats at the southern border DC Artist quits over wokeness in comics

Dana Loesch-Oct 20

Dana Loesch-Oct 20

We went from MAGA to “lower your expectations”; Rep. Andy Biggs joins to discuss the latest report of domestic abuse by Afghan man at U.S. Bases; Rep. Chip Roy joins to discuss Southwest dropping their plan to put unvaccinated staff on unpaid leave; OSHA changes policy because “science”

OSHA Abandons Its Mission of Protecting Workers

OSHA Abandons Its Mission of Protecting Workers

Well, it seems OSHA has now changed its policy for employers to not report adverse side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine. So, a company that was created to protect employees’ health and safety, altered its policies, so that employee health and safety protections would be reduced? Dana bends the knee on America’s corrupt institutions, as OSHA has now abandoned its mission of protecting workers.

MASSIE: The Common Senseless Administration

MASSIE: The Common Senseless Administration

It seems as though our country has gone back about 250 years in our understanding of science. This morning, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky announced that children should be forced to wear masks in school, even if they ARE vaccinated. This comes just after the announcement that the government is planning to vaccinate kids ages five to eleven. Furthermore, you have U.S. Military members possibly facing dishonorable discharge for refusing to comply with Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate. Rep. Thomas Massie joins the show to discuss the common senseless administration, and the members of society that are actually standing up for freedom in America.