The Extortion Division of the Democrat Party

The Extortion Division of the Democrat Party

The system’s COVID-19 collusion is deafening, including big Pharma and the government’s cozy relationship. You have Pfizer ramping up their lobbying efforts and sponsoring every nightly news program, and just the other day, the government announced its plan to vaccinate children ages five to eleven years old. What happened to natural immunity? Does that not exist anymore? Former New York Congresswoman and member of the Independent Women’s Forum, Nan Hayworth, M.D., sits down with Jesse to discuss the government’s new vaccination plan, and why we could potentially see adverse reactions to it, all at an enormous expense. Jesse and Dr. Nan Hayworth go on to further discuss New York City’s mandate madness, as Mayor Bill DeBlasio lays out an ultimatum for all city employees to get vaccinated or risk not getting paid.

Dome and Dumber in the White House

Dome and Dumber in the White House

Vice President Kamala Harris recently celebrated her 57th birthday, and she was just about as awkward as you can get. Kamala yelled, ‘surprise’ TO HERSELF, and kissed her husband, Doug, while they were BOTH WEARING MASKS. Sometimes, she reminds us of a robot. I mean, does she even know how to function like a real adult? Biden, on the other hand, well he just continues to impress America, and we’re not talking about in a good way. In a new poll, over 50 percent of Americans believe Biden isn’t competent enough to be President. Jesse shares his thoughts on dome and dumber failing America.

Jesse Kelly-Oct 21

Jesse Kelly-Oct 21

Jesse Kelly is joined by Dave Rubin to react to Attorney General Merrick Garland’s testimony regarding the weaponization of the DOJ. Both are fired up and have zoned in on one specific bit of testimony that explains everything. Plus, we’re already seeing media spin when it comes to the supply chain crisis and it comes at your expense.

The People in Charge are Buffoons

The People in Charge are Buffoons

The collusion between the White House, National School Boards Association, and the Department of Justice is so disgusting, that it almost sounds unreal. Unfortunately, you can no longer put anything past this administration, as they seek to tear down and destroy our country. Attorney General Merrick Garland recently testified before the House Judiciary Committee, where he stated that he read the letter that the NSBA sent to President Biden at the White House, and that the NSBA INFLUENCED him to weaponize the DOJ to target parents, and label them as ‘domestic terrorists.’ He read the letter and was influenced by the NSBA? Who are these buffoons running the show here? Host of ‘The Rubin Report’ and Author of “Don’t Burn This Country: Surviving and Thriving in Our Woke Dystopia,” Dave Rubin, joins the show to discuss all this and more…

The Democrats Plan to Spy on YOU

The Democrats Plan to Spy on YOU

In the Democrats new IRS proposal, purchasing firearms, which can be a significant expense, could be tracked by the IRS, if they believe the activity in your account is suspect. Could they possibly target certain individuals for their ideological and political views? Well, it’s happened before, so do not be surprised by ANYTHING this administration tries to get away with. Rep. Kevin Brady joins Dana to discuss how the Democrats are weaponizing the IRS and turning them into a spying regime.

Buck Sexton – 10-21-21

Buck Sexton – 10-21-21

10-21-2021: Governor Ron DeSantis once again taking the lead in the fight against COVID-19 mandates, this time calling a special legislative session to push back against Federal vaccine requirements for Florida businesses, Attorney General Merrick Garland showed signs of anger after dodging legitimate questions over the millions of dollars his family made pushing Critical Race …

The Dana Show – Oct 21

The Dana Show – Oct 21

AG Garland testifies on school board memo, the origin of the covid pandemic, NIH contradicts Dr. Fauci, Fauci’s NIH funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan, global supply chain crisis, Biden kills oil and gas project, Superman Artist quits DC Comics over wokeness, marxism, Anti-Biden rap song gaining popularity, vaccine mandates need liability protection, Quickfive, FL man, Today in stupidity & more.