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2024 Election: The Most Underrated Issue
2024 Election: The Most Underrated Issue
Everyone is talking about the economy and the border. There are plenty of issues at hand in the 2024 election but one issue not getting enough attention is education. Dave Brat explains why education should be front and center in November.
NPA Report: Officer Mirabelli
NPA Report: Officer Mirabelli
Join host Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (Ret.) spokesperson for the National Police Association ( for interviews with law enforcement experts on their thoughts about the anti-police media, the crime crisis, and leadership.
How Society Made Raising Kids Harder
How Society Made Raising Kids Harder
Society has changed a lot over the past society and those changes have made it harder to raise kids. Mike Slater identifies some of those changes with author Tim Carney. Both Mike and Tim have battled through societal norms to grow big families. They offer their advice to others.
Why Democrats LOVE Abortion
Why Democrats LOVE Abortion
Democrats have made it no secret that abortion is their top issue. Why is this? And how have they manipulated the language around it? Mary Margaret Olohan of The Daily Wire joins Jesse Kelly to discuss.
The Spiritual Forces Against Marriage | Pastor Allen Jackson
The Spiritual Forces Against Marriage | Pastor Allen Jackson
The devil does not want a strong family. Therefore, there will always be spiritual forces against marriage and promoting divorce. Can mere mortals overcome these spiritual forces? Pastor Allen Jackson offers his perspective on all of this to Mike Slater.
SHOCKING Data Show HUGE DROP In Two-Parent Households
SHOCKING Data Show HUGE DROP In Two-Parent Households
There have always been unmarried mothers in society, but there’s been a shocking rise in recent memory. The statistics will very likely surprise you. Mike Slater attempts to uncover the ‘why’ in all of this.
Kamala Caught LYING About Her Background?!
Kamala Caught LYING About Her Background?!
Kamala Harris touts herself as a prosecutor. So does Jeffrey Clark. Clark did some investigation into Kamala’s claims and the outcome will surprise you. Clark also tells Jesse Kelly the story of how he was subjected to government weaponization under Harris.
Fight for The White House: November Election
Fight for The White House: November Election
Alexander Marlow, Editor-in-Chief, Breitbart News joins Mike to discuss the state of the Presidential race. Hear what Alex has to say about Trump’s outlook for November as well as a discuss of some of the issues driving voters to the Republican side.
The Culture War Is EVERYTHING
The Culture War Is EVERYTHING
A culture is what makes up a nation, whether you like it or not. Jesse Kelly argues that the culture war is everything. He explains why.
(Full Show) There are so many big issues in the 2024 election from the economy to the border and even foreign policy. One issue that was barely brought up at the debates was the culture war. Jesse Kelly argues that this culture war is EVERYTHING and it cannot be ignored. In this special, Jesse speaks with Mary Margaret Olohan of The Daily Wire, activist Robby Starbuck and Dave Brat to discuss how the right should be approaching the culture war in this critical election cycle.
I’m Right with Jesse Kelly on The First TV | 9-26-24
The Biggest Republican Mistake EVER?!
The Biggest Republican Mistake EVER?!
Robby Starbuck is a filmmaker turned activist getting businesses with conservative audiences to change their leftist ways. In that pursuit, Robby Starbuck made a discovery about the famed ‘silent majority.’ Hear Robby explain why that identifier is and always will be a huge mistake.
Key Swing State: Trump’s Rally in Michigan
Key Swing State: Trump’s Rally in Michigan
Mike talks with Senator Marsha Blackburn, R-TN who is with Donald Trump in Michigan as he prepares for his rally there. Mike and Senator Blackburn discuss the issues that are important ot Michigan voters and why Kamala’s policies would hurt them.