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The Dana Show | 11-25-24
The Dana Show | 11-25-24
Trump Picks Nesheiwat As Surgeon General, National Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon, Warfare Evolution & Recruitment Crisis, Elon Muks vs. Legacy Media, Today In Wokery, Quickfive, FL Man, Today In Stupidity & more.
Trump’s Pick For Surgeon General Should Be DISQUALIFIED!
Trump’s Pick For Surgeon General Should Be DISQUALIFIED!
Dana Loesch shares some concerning information about Trump’s Surgeon General pick, Dr Janette Nesheiwat, for having a history of forcing masks, praising Dr. Fauci, and being pro-choice.
The Evolution Of Warfare Is Already Here
The Evolution Of Warfare Is Already Here
Dana Loesch explains how too much government bureaucracy is setting the US military up for failure including outdated technology, low morale and high costs.
Chef Andrew Gruel and his wife Lauren deliver solutions to your holiday preparation challenges — like spatchcocking your bird and the secret to getting the richest stock –that you’ll get only here!
Five Reasons Joe Biden Is The Worst President In U.S. History
Five Reasons Joe Biden Is The Worst President In U.S. History
Joe Biden is on the way out after one miserable term in office. Will his four years go down as some of the worst in America’s history? Mike Slater provides the top five reasons that Biden may go down as the worst president of all-time.
Barack Obama: America’s Most Dangerous President
Barack Obama: America’s Most Dangerous President
President Barack Obama is beloved in media and Democrat circles, but author Lee Smith argues that he is the most dangerous president in American history. Smith also believes Obama is the first anti-American president in the nation’s history. Hear Smith’s rationale and evidence in this exclusive interview with Mike Slater.
NPA Report: Zeek Arkham
NPA Report: Zeek Arkham
Join host Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (Ret.) spokesperson for the National Police Association ( for interviews with law enforcement experts on their thoughts about the anti-police media, the crime crisis, and leadership.
The Three Worst U.S. Presidents From The 1900s
The Three Worst U.S. Presidents From The 1900s
The more time progresses, the less people will have personally witnessed the 20th century. As that happens, people will be forced to rely on history. Will history tell us who the worst presidents really were? Dr. Paul Moreno of Hillsdale College has three presidents he considers to be the worst from that era and he shares them with Mike Slater.
The Rebound w/Matt Doherty: America Rebound
The Rebound w/Matt Doherty: America Rebound
In this episode, Coach Doherty examines the current state of America’s rebound. Leading up to the 2024 election The Rebound revealed the truth about the common issues that burden the American citizen like illegal immigration, inflation, and crime. The Rebound had guests help us understand how the government & media are in partnership with big tech and big pharma in order to maintain money and power at the direct expense of our citizens.
Coach provides the next critical steps that need to be taken to restore lost confidence on our media, government, medical community & military.
George W. Bush: Worst President Ever?!
George W. Bush: Worst President Ever?!
Democrats like James Buchanan and Joe Biden are thrown around as being the worst president ever. Mike Slater argues that the worst president in American history may actually be a Republican. That Republican is George W. Bush. Hear Mike Slater’s reasons.
The Strength of The Pilgrims
The Strength of The Pilgrims
Richard C. Lyons joins Mike and they discuss the journey of the pilgrims. A true history of Thanksgiving and the incredible impact the Native American’s had on these settlers.
Russia vs. Ukraine: How Screwed Are We?
Russia vs. Ukraine: How Screwed Are We?
In this highlight from this week’s PDB Situation Report, Mike Baker sits down with Bill Roggio, senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, to discuss the latest escalations between Ukraine and Russia. They explore the possibility of the conflict spiraling into a nuclear confrontation or a broader war and what that could mean for global security.