Dana Loesch – April 7, 2020

Dana Loesch – April 7, 2020

Wuhan Coronavirus latest, WHO slams scientists as ‘racist’, latest propaganda from China, media cries more racism from Trump, a lesson in Federalism, primary back on in Wisconsin, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell joins the show, some good news, Quarantine BINGO, FL man, headlines & more

Dana Loesch – April 6, 2020

Dana Loesch – April 6, 2020

Wuhan Coronavirus latest, following the new media narrative on coronavirus, too many localities have crossed the line, law and order fears in NYC, China given position on UN human rights council despite coronavirus cover-up, Newt Gingrich joins the show, Biden/Cuomo 2020?, headlines, FL man & much more