Dana Loesch – May 5

Dana Loesch – May 5

Pulitzer Prize is a joke, China’s continued coronavirus failures, businesses fight to re-open, Dave Rubin joins the show, Nicholas Cage is the new Tiger King, headlines, FL man, & much more

Dana Loesch – May 4

Dana Loesch – May 4

“enormous evidence” of a Wuhan lab cover-up, LGBTQ activists got a makeshift Christian coronavirus hospital shut down, media’s emotional grandstanding, from “me too” to “move on”, murder hornets are a thing now, headlines, FL man, today in stupidity & more

Big Tech Censorship

Big Tech Censorship

Remember that video Of the two doctors who had an opinion about COVID-19 that seemed to go against the prevailing orthodoxy? You probably don’t. In fact, you’ve probably never seen it. Because YouTube took it down. From Twitter shadowbanning to demonetizing YouTube channels, Big Tech is in cahoots with the left to censor speech they don’t deem acceptable. In the Atlantic, they’re praising CHINA for the way their authorities have cracked down on speech…and these anti-speech overlords are coming for you and me.