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Mike Slater – April 7, 2020
Mike Slater – April 7, 2020
How Coronavirus is Affecting the Homeless
Tiana Lowe – Not A Bailout!
Tiana Lowe – Not A Bailout!
Make no mistake, these federal stimulus checks are no bailout!
Madison Gesiotto – Stimulus Explained
Madison Gesiotto – Stimulus Explained
Madison Gesiotto breaks down the stimulus plan and explains who’s eligible.
Rob Smith – Reckless Leaders
Rob Smith – Reckless Leaders
Rob Smith explains how our local elected leaders have failed us amid the COVID-19 outbreak.
Dana Loesch – April 6, 2020
Dana Loesch – April 6, 2020
Wuhan Coronavirus latest, following the new media narrative on coronavirus, too many localities have crossed the line, law and order fears in NYC, China given position on UN human rights council despite coronavirus cover-up, Newt Gingrich joins the show, Biden/Cuomo 2020?, headlines, FL man & much more
Jesse Kelly – April 6, 2020
Jesse Kelly – April 6, 2020
Is Dooms Day Coming or Not, Drones on Patrol, and Tiger King Tik Tok
Buck Sexton (Hour 3) – April 6, 2020k
Buck Sexton (Hour 3) – April 6, 2020k
Joe Biden continues to stumble during softball interviews and Buck reads your messages in Roll Call.
Mike Slater – April 6, 2020
Mike Slater – April 6, 2020
Mike Slater with some hopeful news on the fight against the Wuhan virus. Mike speaks to a top infectious disease doctor about some anti-malaria drugs being tested. And he talks to an emergency room doctor about life on the front lines of the fight
Buck Sexton (Hour 2) – April 6, 2020k
Buck Sexton (Hour 2) – April 6, 2020k
The left continues to blame Trump for the spread of Covid-19 and hope rises as doctors see results with new virus treatments.
Buck Sexton (Hour 1) – April 6, 2020
Buck Sexton (Hour 1) – April 6, 2020
Buck takes a look at the latest Covid-19 models, and a world class professor from Stanford asks if we’ve given in to fear.
Dana Loesch – April 3, 2020
Dana Loesch – April 3, 2020
Latest details on the Wuhan Coronavirus, the backlash against China’s coronavirus cover-up is finally beginning, disappeared Wuhan whistleblower doctor posts cryptic message, Senator John Cornyn & Rep. Thomas Massie join the show, parenting during the pandemic, open lines, headlines, FL man, today in stupidity & more
Jesse Kelly – April 3, 2020
Jesse Kelly – April 3, 2020
Another Democrat Witch Hunt, Social Tracking, and Mom’s Quarantine Meals