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Mike Slater – Aug 11
Mike Slater – Aug 11
The left’s use of propaganda.
Buck Sexton HR3 – Aug 11
Buck Sexton HR3 – Aug 11
A report claims New York underreported the number of COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes and Buck reads your emails and comments in today’s Roll Call.
Buck Sexton HR2 – Aug 11
Buck Sexton HR2 – Aug 11
Trump calls Democrats election meddlers and Joe Biden is close to choosing his vice presidential nominee.
Buck Sexton HR1 – Aug 11
Buck Sexton HR1 – Aug 11
Massive looting overnight hits Chicago and Russia claims it has the world’s first COVID-19 Vaccine.
Jesse Kelly – Aug 10
Jesse Kelly – Aug 10
Government Leaders Must Change The Narrative
Riots In Chicago
Riots In Chicago
.@BillOReilly reports that a JUSTIFIED police shooting in #Chicago precipitated rampant looting overnight as 100 were arrested and 13 officers were hurt.
“Because Chicago and Illinois authorities not cannot, WILL NOT, protect their people from criminals! Yet, the Democrats still get voted in.”
Hillary The Hypocrite
Hillary The Hypocrite
Democrats LOVED when Barack Obama used “his pen and his phone” but when President Trump does, it magically becomes unconstitutional!
Bill O’Reilly breaks it down and plays Hillary Clinton’s response calling it “a stunt.”
Dana Loesch – Aug 10
Dana Loesch – Aug 10
Trump and the executive order, targeting Tencent, Rona & riots, undermining the belief in God and America, woke mob declares Hawaiian shirts a symbol of white nationalism, James O’Keefe joins the show, headlines, FL man & much more
Buck Sexton HR3 – Aug 10
Buck Sexton HR3 – Aug 10
Buck is joined by Jesse Kelly to discuss the ongoing riots around the country. Jesse gives his opinion on whether or not he thinks the riots will continue or come to a halt after election day.
Buck Sexton HR 2 – Aug 10
Buck Sexton HR 2 – Aug 10
Buck discusses how Democrats wanting universal mail-in balloting is absurd. Later in the hour, Buck talks about this year’s college football season being cancelled and if the upcoming NFL season has the same fate.
Buck Sexton HR1 – Aug 10
Buck Sexton HR1 – Aug 10
Buck discusses the continued unrest and riots in Portland and Chicago. Later in the hour, Buck touches on the fact that most of the people who march in these protests are white college kids and that these riots are driven from the left.
Mike Slater – Aug 10
Mike Slater – Aug 10
Radical Left’s War on Math