Mike Slater – April 29

Mike Slater – April 29

Mike Slater with the latest batch of good news coming from the virus fight. Nike also speaks to congressman Dan Crenshaw about his new book, “Fortitude”. And Mike has more on China’s push to dominate the US pharmaceurtical market

Mike Slater – April 28

Mike Slater – April 28

Mike Slater says it’s time to loosen the lockdowns for some folks, though not everyone. Mike also speaks to a NYC doctor about the latest developments in the Wuhan virus fight, and Mike has some tips for home schooling your kids during the lockdowns.

Dana Loesch – April 27

Dana Loesch – April 27

Governors move to ease restrictions, the rise of domestic violence during pandemic, latest data on the virus, the Media’s new dictator darling, CNN covers for Biden, Media Matters exposed, international update with Stephen Yates, headlines, FL man & more