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I can’t Vote for Biden
I can’t Vote for Biden
It is clear the radical left will have TOTAL control of a Joe Biden presidency. Bill O’Reilly says if Democrats win in November, you can kiss the American Republic goodbye.
“Once 20 million new, foreign nationals get the vote- one party state. Republicans never have a chance again.”
Dana Loesch – July 27
Dana Loesch – July 27
Latest Wuhan Coronavirus updates, New Series: the left’s five point strategy, New 2020 polling, Portland on fire, cancel culture in America, bending a knee to Marxism, NYT & communist China, Fl Man, headlines & more
Adopting Pets Safely
Adopting Pets Safely
The First TV Contributor Madison Gesiotto delivers a dose of good news on the fight against COVID. Are inhaled drugs the key to fighting the virus? How are close are we to a vaccine? Plus, an amazing animal shelter that’s safe for pet adoption.
Jesse Kelly – July 27
Jesse Kelly – July 27
Riot Chaos, More Stimulus, More Debt, and Hide & Seek Sibling Rivalry
Great Mask Debate
Great Mask Debate
Want COVID19 chaos to end? Put on a mask. Want the economy to more quickly get on track? Put on a mask. Everything some conservatives and Christians are getting wrong about masks (and loving others).
Mike Slater – July 27
Mike Slater – July 27
Mike Slater with more examples of how the mainstream media jumps to conclusions based on their liberal biases. Mike also speaks with Columbia University professor Vincent Racaniello about the potential for a COVID-19 vaccine that’s now in final trials
Buck Sexton HR3 – July 24
Buck Sexton HR3 – July 24
Buck talks to author Kamal Ravikant about how some Americans are finding opportunity in the age of pandemic, and reads your emails and comments in today’s Roll Call.
Christians Murdered
Christians Murdered
There is a humanitarian crisis growing in Nigeria and the mainstream media is not reporting it…at all! Innocent Christian lives are being taken by militant groups and it must be stopped.
BLM Accomplishments?
BLM Accomplishments?
After months of riots, protesting, the loss of countless black people, and the ongoing unrest, it’s time to ask: what is BLM really accomplishing? Besides giving celebrities something to tweet about, funneling money to Democrats, making white liberals feel good about themselves, and making black and lower income neighborhoods more dangerous, what really is left? These people are hurting more black people than they’re helping – and you shouldn’t be afraid to say that. The First TV
Culture is sick
Culture is sick
You may notice that the same people who had no problem when Kanye west was rapping about drugs, sex, and money are trying to convince you that he is absolutely insane when he breaks down into tears at the thought of aborting his eldest daughter. Think about the sickness of a culture that glorifies the former and wants to stop the conversation about the latter. That’s what Kanye is up against and what we all have to battle!
Private Disney Parade!
Private Disney Parade!
Madison Gesiotto highlights the heartwarming story of a 5-year old cancer patient’s special Disney parade. Plus, the U.S. government reaches a landmark agreement with Pfizer to provide free vaccines to Americans.
Economy In Peril
Economy In Peril
Economy In Peril