Dana Loesch – April 1, 2020

Dana Loesch – April 1, 2020

Wuhan Coronavirus updates, how the impeachment trial diverted attention from the virus, FDA and testing kits, funding the WHO, China’s false numbers, major media malpractice while reporting yesterdays Covid-19 presser, life during the pandemic, headlines, Fl man, today in stupidity & much more

Jobs In Jeopardy – March 27, 2020

Jobs In Jeopardy – March 27, 2020

Jesse Kelly has been very passionate all week about the state of our economy and the job crisis that we are facing in America due to Coronavirus. In this special report he speaks to FOX Sports Radio Host Clay Travis, Economist Carol Roth, Former Congressman Dave Brat, and a California Restaurant Owner forced to close his doors.