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Buck Sexton HR3 – Sep 21
Buck Sexton HR3 – Sep 21
A grave injustice in Omaha as a local bar owner takes his own life, Joe Biden’s latest gaffe is turning heads, and Buck reads your emails and comments in today’s Roll Call.
Buck Sexton HR1 – Sep 21
Buck Sexton HR1 – Sep 21
Democrats and Republicans prepare for war over the replacement of late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Buck has the details.
Buck Sexton HR2 – Sep 21
Buck Sexton HR2 – Sep 21
Who should replace late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Will Democrats try to impeach President Trump again if he nominates a new justice?
Celebrities giving back
Celebrities giving back
Celebrities giving back, a vaccine production update PLUS could your nose be the key to a coronavirus treatment breakthrough?
Pandering to Minorities
Pandering to Minorities
The Left’s Toxic Pandering to Minorities – How does the left get the attention of Latino voters? Well, they just play some Despacito and head over to a Latin restaurant! How to get to Blacks? Have an illiterate rapper struggle to put a sentence together next to Joe Biden! The gays? Well, they’ll just get every major gay media personality to say gay Trump supporters are EVIL! This is their playbook, it’s getting old, and people are waking up to it!
MSM vs. Real Facts
MSM vs. Real Facts
The family of Breonna Taylor, the young woman killed when her boyfriend got into a shootout with police during a no-knock warrant – just got a $12M settlement from the city. That is a good thing. She shouldn’t have died. However, activists are pushing for criminal charges for the cops involved based on the media narrative surrounding her death that may not align with all the facts of the case. And that is dangerous for the change they’re trying to bring about.
Riots Cost $2 Billion
Riots Cost $2 Billion
As rioters continue to burn down blue controlled cities across America, the cost of the damage is rising fast….almost $2 BILLION to date. Sadly, minority business owners are the ones suffering the most.
Supporting Our Police
Supporting Our Police
Bill O’Reilly cites the work of WSJ’s Jason Riley who says there is a far less sinister reason for police shootings than ‘cops-are-bad.’
Plus, Heritage Action’s Jessica Anderson shares the message going up on billboards across the USA: “You cannot have peace without the police.”
Law Enforcement Disappearing in Major Cities
Law Enforcement Disappearing in Major Cities
Former police officer Brandon Tatum joins Jesse to discuss violence in America’s big cities such as New York City and how these places will continue to become more dangerous if police officers keep leaving the force.
BLM Domestic Terrorism
BLM Domestic Terrorism
Black Lives Matter is not the first domestic terrorist group the U.S. has ever seen but they are much different because they have the approval of America’s cultural institution.
Dana Loesch – Sep 18
Dana Loesch – Sep 18
The latest on the Wuhan virus and a vaccine, Open line Friday, Hate mail, 2020 Election updates, DHS Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli and Dallas Symphony Orchestra’s Christopher Adkins join the show, and more.
Buck Sexton HR3 – Sep 18
Buck Sexton HR3 – Sep 18
The Pennsylvania supreme court extends mail-in ballots until 3 days AFTER the election, and Buck reads your emails and comments in today’s Roll Call.