Mike Slater – April 28

Mike Slater – April 28

Mike Slater says it’s time to loosen the lockdowns for some folks, though not everyone. Mike also speaks to a NYC doctor about the latest developments in the Wuhan virus fight, and Mike has some tips for home schooling your kids during the lockdowns.

Dana Loesch – April 27

Dana Loesch – April 27

Governors move to ease restrictions, the rise of domestic violence during pandemic, latest data on the virus, the Media’s new dictator darling, CNN covers for Biden, Media Matters exposed, international update with Stephen Yates, headlines, FL man & more

Dana Loesch – April 24

Dana Loesch – April 24

Trump signs latest stimulus package, getting America back to work, media continues to treat the people like simpletons who take everything literally, Texas Governor Greg Abbott joins the show, open line Friday, headlines, FL man & more

Mike Slater – April 27

Mike Slater – April 27

Mike Slater speaks with a top virologist about some hopeful signs he sees in the fight against COVID-19. Mike also has some sharp words for liberal media hacks who try to misconstrue everything President Trump says.