Big Tech Censorship

Big Tech Censorship

Remember that video Of the two doctors who had an opinion about COVID-19 that seemed to go against the prevailing orthodoxy? You probably don’t. In fact, you’ve probably never seen it. Because YouTube took it down. From Twitter shadowbanning to demonetizing YouTube channels, Big Tech is in cahoots with the left to censor speech they don’t deem acceptable. In the Atlantic, they’re praising CHINA for the way their authorities have cracked down on speech…and these anti-speech overlords are coming for you and me.

Mike Slater – May 4

Mike Slater – May 4

Mike Slater gets the latest on the progress in the war on the Wuhan virus from a top virologist. Mike also shares the story of Maurice Hilleman, an american scientist credited with saving millions of lives around the world

Dana Loesch – May 1

Dana Loesch – May 1

Biden finally responds to sexual assault allegations, feminism’s betrayal, latest on the Michigan protests, Canadian gun ban, Andrew McCarthy joins the show, open-line Friday, headlines, FL man & more

Liberty In Peril

Liberty In Peril

Jesse Kelly says continued lockdowns and social distancing are putting America’s civil liberties at risk. Jesse speaks with Rep Dan Crenshaw about the potential for abuse by local governments who overstep their authority. Jesse also looks at how we can ensure our constitutional rights while also fighting the Wuhan virus

Dana Loesch – April 30

Dana Loesch – April 30

Breaking down the Gen. Michael Flynn investigation, Wuhan coronavirus latest, the battle over butter, Newsome shuts down trees and air, more trouble for Joe Biden, Charlie Kirk and Rep. Andy Biggs join the show, headlines, FL man & more.