Mike Slater – May 14

Mike Slater – May 14

Mike Slater says the U.S. likely went into lockdown too soon and it’s causing unnecessary suffering. Mike is also joined by country superstar Lee Greenwood to talk about home schooling during lockdown and Lee’s book, “Proud To Be An American”

Democratic Race Bait

Democratic Race Bait

The left is at this point flailing. Democrats are stuck with an elderly, confused, and unpopular candidate who simply doesn’t have what it takes to wrestle the grips of the Oval Office out of the hands of the current President. And they know it. So amid the absence of a compelling candidate or any kind of message that could win a national election, they fall back to the lowest-hanging fruit: race-baiting.

Cuomo’s Democratic Privilege

Cuomo’s Democratic Privilege

It’s becoming quite clear that Gov Cuomo and NYC leadership have bungled the coronavirus response in many ways. While the virus was making its way around, local officials encouraged New Yorkers to go out! Cuomo’s directive for hospitals to discharge COVID-positive patients directly into nursing homes resulted in 1700 deaths that were previously not disclosed. His own brother was caught defying quarantine while he was positive, traveling, and yet appeared on national television ’emerging’ from his basement as if he were there the entire time. It’s a joke, and how does our national media respond? By treating Cuomo like a hero. If this man were a Republican, these things would be NATIONAL SCANDALS. But since he’s a Democrat, they’re barely a blip. Shameful