VP Pick Problems

VP Pick Problems

If Joe Biden wins the presidency this November he’ll be the oldest President in American history. That’s why there is so much emphasis on his VP selection. Unfortunately, all the VP frontrunners have some issues of their own.

Here’s The Solution

Here’s The Solution

Bill O’Reilly says black and white Americans have a hard time discussing police reform because both have such different experiences and perspectives on the issue. The REAL solution no one is talking about, he says, begins with equal access to a quality education.

3 Generals Turn on Trump

3 Generals Turn on Trump

Three prominent military leaders have turned on President Trump in recent days. Generals James Mattis, John Kelly and Colin Powell have all spoken out against the President’s threat to use the military to protect the American people…if city mayors and state Governors fail to. What exactly is wrong with that?

This Day in History

This Day in History

Bill O’Reilly provides updates on new cases across the country as our nation re-opens. Plus, a UC at Berkeley study says the shutdown prevented 60 million new cases of Covid-19. Really? 60 million? And on This Day in History: James Earl Ray arrested in 1968 for the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.