The Real Louis Farrakhan

The Real Louis Farrakhan

“You don’t get more militant, anti-semitic, or anti-white” than Louis Farrakhan, says Bill O’Reilly. He takes entitled Hollywood celebrities to task for sharing a video of Farrakhan from 1990 while ignoring his more recent, vile rhetoric.

Dear Sen. Graham

Dear Sen. Graham

When Lindsey Graham says that 100% of Black men are afraid of having an interaction with police, he’s falling into the same black victimhood trap that the left uses to control us. I’m all for police reform. I’m not denying that many black people have had uncomfortable encounters with police officers, but to say that ALL Black people live in some sort of state of constant fear and racial hysteria when it comes to police officers is engaging in the same fear-based rhetoric that the left does.

Police Under Attack!

Police Under Attack!

Mike Slater takes a hard look at leftist attacks on police departments across the USA. Mike speaks to a former police officer about life on the job and whether police departments are inherently racist. Mike also talks to a civil rights lawyer about what real, practical police reform looks like

Dixie A Racist Word?

Dixie A Racist Word?

The word ‘Dixie’, which has historically been a geographical reference to the south, is now considered a racist word. Well, at least to one writer at Variety it is. Like other bands who have bend the knee to the virtual signaling mob, should the Dixie Chicks to the same? Bill says it’s “Karma”

Dana Loesch – June 18

Dana Loesch – June 18

The national conversation about use of deadly force, Atlanta Police walk out, race relations in America, the latest on police reform, SCOTUS & DACA, Bolton’s book, Andy McCarthy & Phil Kerpen join the show, headlines, FL man & more