The Good News 6-22

The Good News 6-22

Madison Gesiotto shares some good news: U.S. retailers slowly returning to normalcy, 93-year-old beats the virus, and more support for business owners and employees.

Statues & The Constitution

Statues & The Constitution

Bill O’Reilly reveals the real reason why radicals are so obsessed with tearing down statues right now. “If you can persuade the American people that the Constitution of the United States was forged by White Supremacists… you can throw out the Constitution and get a new one!”

Bill on Tulsa Rally

Bill on Tulsa Rally

Bill O’Reilly has some highlights from President Donald Trump’s Tulsa rally and analyzes two campaign strategies the President deployed during the much-talked about event. “That strategy will be in place until Election Day.”

Dana Loesch – June 22

Dana Loesch – June 22

Weekend recap, Trump’s Tulsa rally, rage mob goes after the founding fathers, the war on Western Civilization, shooting at CHAZ/CHOP, calling out the media, International update with Stephen Yates, headlines, FL man & more

A Win for Republicans

A Win for Republicans

Not only is the supreme court LGBT ruling a win for the vast majority of gays and lesbians who just want to live our lives, it’s a win for Republicans, too! The ruling recognizes the existence of biological sex, which is going to come in handy when the radical LGBT left continues their attack on women’s sports and spaces, which they will. Also, if we’re truly to be the party for everyone, there’s nothing better to show gays and lesbians that they’re welcome here than to tell them that the one of the biggest pro-lgbt rulings in American history came from a CONSERVATIVE justice appointed by a Repulican president!

Dana Loesch – June 19

Dana Loesch – June 19

What’s in the new bailout package, Race riots & police, big tech’s war on us, campus war on free speech, Mark Twain gets canceled, #RIPTacoBell trends, the return of Hate Mail, open-line, FL man headlines & more

Stop & Think Before Typing

Stop & Think Before Typing

Social media is an amazing tool but it has also impacted our ability to communicate sanely. During these turbulent times, people have turned to online trolling to cope, and consequence-free platforms are a problem. It’s time we stop and think before we type.