Mike Slater – June 30

Mike Slater – June 30

Mike Slater explains why the Black Lives Movement is different from the slogan and why the organization is Marxist to the core. Mike also reveals the downside of the ‘defund police’ movement as sex trafficking surges in the U.S.

Mercedes-Benz Exposed!

Mercedes-Benz Exposed!

For the first time in his life Bill O’Reilly is exposing companies who support totalitarian ideologies and groups like the marxist-led BLM organization. He’s starting with Mercedes-Benz. You do not want to miss these fireworks

Trump’s Next 4 Months

Trump’s Next 4 Months

Bill O’Reilly recently sat down with top Trump campaign officials to get the inside scoop on the state of President Donald Trump’s re-election bid — he did not leave empty handed. “They’re worried. They’re not panicked.”

Dana Loesch – June 29

Dana Loesch – June 29

The war on Facebook, protests & riots around the u.s., calls for Mayor Krewson grow, golf cart boogaloo, Golden Girls & cancel culture, wokeness in America, what you’re not hearing about the Wuhan Coronavirus, SCOTUS strikes down abortion law, International update with Stephen Yates, headlines, FL man & more

Reelection Not A Lock

Reelection Not A Lock

Rob Smith says it’s time for Trump supporters to take a stand against the mainstream media as they try to lie their way to victory in November. “A lot of Americans are very manipulated by the mainstream media.”

Mike Slater – June 29

Mike Slater – June 29

Mike Slater with the latest on the Left’s push to erase american history by toppling statues of the founding fathers. Mike also speaks to a top virologist about the fight against COVID-19, and he exposes the BLM movement’s Marxist foundation

The Two BLMs

The Two BLMs

Some Americans seem unwilling or incapable of differentiating between the phrase “black lives matter” and the organization “Black Lives Matter.”

Bill O’Reilly shed some much-needed light on the matter this week when he exposed the group as a global, for-profit organization whose founders are self-proclaimed “trained marxists.”