Vaccine Trials Open!

Vaccine Trials Open!

Madison Gesiotto delivers some good news including; vaccine trials now open to volunteers in the U.S. the power of faith that helped one TV star recover from a long fight, Disney World re-opening and more.

Trump vs. Biden

Trump vs. Biden

President Trump attacks Joe Biden in Rose Garden speech…right after Biden did the same in his speech from Delaware. Bill O’Reilly shares his thoughts on both.

Jesse Kelly – July 15

Jesse Kelly – July 15

Jesse Kelly says campaign season is getting underway and he couldn’t be happier. Jesse says Trump has done wonders for America and he’ll eat Joe Biden and the radical left for lunch come November. Jesse also speaks with Cam Edwards about how democrats have morphed into the party of anti-America

Dana Loesch – July 15

Dana Loesch – July 15

Media’s fear mongering & misinformation, it’s tax day, Trump was right on police stats, Burger King vows to fight cow farts, a biology lesson for the latest rage mob, Wuhan Coronavirus updates, more cancel culture, Sen. Ted Cruz and Roger Stone join the show, Headlines, FL man & more