Dana Loesch – July 17

Dana Loesch – July 17

WAPO’s false reporting on crime rates and legal gun purchases, Berkeley to replace cops with “unarmed civil servants”, Walmart & Kroger weigh in on mask debate, will masks be used as voter suppression?, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp joins the show, open-lines, Hatemail, FL man, headlines and more

Obama: Legacy Of Failure

Obama: Legacy Of Failure

With Joe Biden as the presumptive democratic candidate, Jesse Kelly looks at the failed legacy of Biden’s old boss, Barack Obama. The liberal media has long portrayed Obama as the second coming, but a closer look at his policies paints a very different picture. From open borders to tax and spend, Obama was a disaster for America.

Exposed: BLM Hypocrisy

Exposed: BLM Hypocrisy

Mike Slater shines a light on the hypocrisy of the Black Lives Matter movement. Mike examines the group’s Marxist origins and the dangerous implications for traditional American values. Mike also looks at why BLM is only interested in power, not equality

Schools Close = Trump Loses

Schools Close = Trump Loses

Denmark, Norway, Austria and Finland have all successfully re-opened schools with little or no negative consequences. Bill: “Betsy Devos should get on a little plane, go on over there, find out what they’re doing and we can do it too.”



Systemic Leftism, Gov. Kemp fights back on mask mandates, Twitter hacking and the questions we need answered, 2020 updates, backlash grows against cancel culture, St. Louis man who defended his home, Mark McCloskey, joins the show, headlines, FL man & more

Anti-White Hate Rising

Anti-White Hate Rising

Social media is showing that Anti-white hate is on the rise but the mainstream media continues to stay silent. Where’s the outrage over Nick Cannon’s latest remarks about white privilege and jews? Are we just giving him a free pass on his antisemitism?