Mike Slater – July 22

Mike Slater – July 22

Mike Slater says the ability to communicate and have a dialogue with each other is more important now than ever before in our fractured society. Mike also speaks with a Princeton professor who’s come under fire from the leftist cancel culture mob

Media Enabling Dems

Media Enabling Dems

​Bill O’Reilly calls out CNN’s Jake Tapper for shamelessly attempting to blame President Trump for COVID-19 deaths in America.

He predicts that an effective coronavirus vaccine before the election will guarantee President Trump’s re-election.

Portland Mayor an Idiot

Portland Mayor an Idiot

After 54 days of rampant violence, President Trump deployed federal police to restore law & order in #Portland and somehow he’s the bad guy?

@Bill O’Reilly GOES OFF on the “idiot” Mayor, Ted Wheeler.

“A thousand people gathered at the federal courthouse and tried to set in on fire, last night!”

O’Reilly vs. Napolitano

O’Reilly vs. Napolitano

​Bill O’Reilly says his former colleague Judge Andrew Napolitano is WRONG on the legality of federal police in #Portland and cites the law:

“…can be invoked if state authorities are unable or fail or refuse to protect the rights, privileges, and immunities named in the constitution…”

Jesse Kelly – July 21

Jesse Kelly – July 21

esse Kelly goes off on craven GOP congressmen who are sucking up to the democrats on a new trillion dollar stimulus bill. Jesse also believes that St. Louis couple who stood their ground outside their home need to be praised, bot prosecuted. And Jesse shows you Joe Biden’s spirit animal.

Dana Loesch – July 21

Dana Loesch – July 21

Activist prosecutor charges the McCloskeys for self defense, Broward mandates mask use at home, BMI’s and parks are now racist, school mandates lessons on institutional racism, Red Bull vs. cancel culture, Missouri AG Eric Schmitt and Rep. Louie Gohmert join the show, Headlines, Fl man & more

Bill Defends Ellen

Bill Defends Ellen

​ @Bill O’Reilly says “there are no standards in journalism anymore” and Mediaite’s character assassination of “Ellen” is one case in point.

“Why would you ever print that?” Bill asks. “Why would you trash Ellen Degeneres’ reputation?”

Mike Slater – July 21

Mike Slater – July 21

Mike Slater looks at the evil influence of an 18th century french philosopher on american education. Mike also discusses the need to return to the values and principles of the founding fathers with Hillsdale College professor David Azerrad

Sports Changed Forever

Sports Changed Forever

Bill O’Reilly breaks down President Trump’s interview last night with Fox News’ Chris Wallace and says they are both missing an important point.

He argues Republicans should improve their messaging on the spread of COVID-19. It’s all about personal responsibility, Bill says.