BLM Accomplishments?

BLM Accomplishments?

After months of riots, protesting, the loss of countless black people, and the ongoing unrest, it’s time to ask: what is BLM really accomplishing? Besides giving celebrities something to tweet about, funneling money to Democrats, making white liberals feel good about themselves, and making black and lower income neighborhoods more dangerous, what really is left? These people are hurting more black people than they’re helping – and you shouldn’t be afraid to say that. The First TV

Culture is sick

Culture is sick

You may notice that the same people who had no problem when Kanye west was rapping about drugs, sex, and money are trying to convince you that he is absolutely insane when he breaks down into tears at the thought of aborting his eldest daughter. Think about the sickness of a culture that glorifies the former and wants to stop the conversation about the latter. That’s what Kanye is up against and what we all have to battle!

Private Disney Parade!

Private Disney Parade!

Madison Gesiotto highlights the heartwarming story of a 5-year old cancer patient’s special Disney parade. Plus, the U.S. government reaches a landmark agreement with Pfizer to provide free vaccines to Americans.

Chicago a WARZONE

Chicago a WARZONE

“This is the best example of racism there has ever been, outside of slavery, in this country,” says Bill O’Reilly .

Do-nothing Democrats have allowed Chicago to become a WARZONE yet have the nerve to criticize #OperationLegend? If BLM really cares, why aren’t they helping President Trump?

School Decide Election

School Decide Election

Bill O’Reilly explains the delicate balance of the 2020 election and how much President Trump’s fate depends on independent voters and schools reopening.

“Most voters are unaligned, they don’t have an emotional attachment to Donald Trump or Joe Biden.”

First Racist President?

First Racist President?

. @Bill O’Reilly responds to Joe Biden’s baseless and ignorant assertion that Donald Trump is “the first racist president.”

Plus, O’Reilly reveals the Democrats’ strategy to defeat Republicans in November and it begins with a new video featuring former President Barack Obama.