99 Days To Election

99 Days To Election

With 99 days until Election Day, Bill O’Reilly says President Trump has a strong record on foreign policy and the economy – and that’s the record that can beat Joe Biden. “The Iranians fear him, ISIS has been crippled, Al-Queda’s been crippled…”

Mike Slater – July 28

Mike Slater – July 28

Mike Slater says liberal politicians are forcing police departments across the country to abandon their communities. Mike shows you what happens when police are absent from towns and cities. Mike also talks about the origins of democracy with author Richard Lyons

Dems Won’t Stop Riots

Dems Won’t Stop Riots

Despite 60 days of destruction in #Portland, the liberal mayor and governor STILL refuse to restore law & order. And in nearby #Seattle, 59 cops were injured with 47 arrests made.

Why are Democrats refusing to act? Bill O’Reilly has the answer.

I can’t Vote for Biden

I can’t Vote for Biden

It is clear the radical left will have TOTAL control of a Joe Biden presidency. Bill O’Reilly says if Democrats win in November, you can kiss the American Republic goodbye.

“Once 20 million new, foreign nationals get the vote- one party state. Republicans never have a chance again.”

Dana Loesch – July 27

Dana Loesch – July 27

Latest Wuhan Coronavirus updates, New Series: the left’s five point strategy, New 2020 polling, Portland on fire, cancel culture in America, bending a knee to Marxism, NYT & communist China, Fl Man, headlines & more

Adopting Pets Safely

Adopting Pets Safely

The First TV Contributor Madison Gesiotto delivers a dose of good news on the fight against COVID. Are inhaled drugs the key to fighting the virus? How are close are we to a vaccine? Plus, an amazing animal shelter that’s safe for pet adoption.

Great Mask Debate

Great Mask Debate

Want COVID19 chaos to end? Put on a mask. Want the economy to more quickly get on track? Put on a mask. Everything some conservatives and Christians are getting wrong about masks (and loving others).

Mike Slater – July 27

Mike Slater – July 27

Mike Slater with more examples of how the mainstream media jumps to conclusions based on their liberal biases. Mike also speaks with Columbia University professor Vincent Racaniello about the potential for a COVID-19 vaccine that’s now in final trials

Christians Murdered

Christians Murdered

There is a humanitarian crisis growing in Nigeria and the mainstream media is not reporting it…at all! Innocent Christian lives are being taken by militant groups and it must be stopped.