Harris Unfit For VP

Harris Unfit For VP

Joe Biden may be a little “out of it” but he understands that the vast majority of Americans want violent demonstrators prosecuted. Plus Bill O’Reilly explains why possible VP pick, Sen. Kamala Harris, does not deserve to hold any position in the Federal Government.

Dana Loesch – July 31

Dana Loesch – July 31

Coronavirus hearing, the 2020 election heats up, the left’s 5 point strategy: undermining America’s greatness, Media virtue signaling, exposing China, Julio Rosas joins the show with updates from Portland, open lines, headdlines, FL man & more

Broken Promises

Broken Promises

Jesse Kelly says the GOP has lost its way and needs to course correct as soon as possible. Today’s GOP won’t stand up to rioters who want to erase America’s culture, but they’re happy to spend trillions of dollars on wasteful, pork-filled projects. Jesse looks for answers on how the GOP can regain its former glory.

Lincoln Didn’t Free Slaves?

Lincoln Didn’t Free Slaves?

Bill O’Reilly exposes a Dartmouth University professor for saying Abraham Lincoln did not actually free the slaves, something she said she learned at UC- Santa Barbara.

“This is so ignorant, so insane… Abraham Lincoln was assassinated because of his attitude toward African-Americans.”

Big Tech Censorship

Big Tech Censorship

Big tech companies are censoring conservatives and the outcome of the 2020 election will either rein them in or embolden them, says Bill O’Reilly.

“Trump gets re-elected and Congress is going to have to take a hard look at standards of behavior.”

Trump’s Bad Tweet

Trump’s Bad Tweet

Bill O’Reilly offers some constructive criticism for President Trump after his much-talked about tweet on mail-in voting this morning.

He also outlines other ways to increase the integrity of the November elections as traditional America is on the line in November.