Anarchists Giving Trump Win

Anarchists Giving Trump Win

Bill O’Reilly reveals the ONE ISSUE that “will win Donald Trump the election” but cautions him not to go “too far” with it.

“Social disorder may very well win Donald Trump the election… To demonize the police, defund the police is INSANE…”

Biden Wants POWER

Biden Wants POWER

Bill O’Reilly predicts Trump WILL deliver on his vaccine promise and agrees with him that Joe Biden is “a stooge” for the far left and has no core belief system, he just wants power.

“In my lifetime, this is the most important election…”

Back To School Video!

Back To School Video!

Madison Gesiotto gives a shoutout to some of the great Americans that deserve recognition for helping others and bringing smiles to the faces of people across our great Nation during this time of adversity.

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Bill’s “Main Beef” with Kamala

Bill’s “Main Beef” with Kamala

Bill O’Reilly reveals his “main beef” with Kamala Harris who says “believe all women” except for the ones that accuse Joe Biden, obviously. He plays the tape of her shameful persecution of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

“The FBI turned up NOT ONE piece of evidence to back up @BlaseyFord’s baseless accusations.”

Kamala The Marxist

Kamala The Marxist

Bill O’Reilly exposes Kamala Harris for her full-throated embrace of the “marxist” #BLM movement and explains why “her vision” of socialized medicine, which includes illegal immigrants, is doomed to fail.

“There are not enough wealthy, affluent people in the country to pay for it. Corporations are going to move overseas!”

Democrats Getting Desperate

Democrats Getting Desperate

After an RNC that has gotten high marks all across the board for the patriotism and great production values on display, the left responds by: making fun of Kimberly Guilfoyle’s volume, insinuating that Don Jr was on cocaine? This is the left. This is pathetic. They’re getting desperate. They don’t have this in the bag, and they know it.

Smearing Black Republicans

Smearing Black Republicans

There is NOTHING the left fears more than a Black man who loves his country, is not a victim, and stands up to them, so of course the minions of the left got “Uncle Tom” trending because they want nothing more than to smear a Black Republican. Of course, we all know they call him an “Uncle Tom” because what they really want to say is that that uppity man should know his place.