Dems Want Mail-In Voting

Dems Want Mail-In Voting

Bill O’Reilly reveals the REAL reason Democrats are pushing so hard for mass-mail-in voting in November & the disastrous results in several states where it has been tried.

“The guy who knocks on the door is gonna make darn sure that ballot is filled out for the Democrats…”

The Coastal Exodus

The Coastal Exodus

Residents are fleeing the chaos of coastal cities IN DROVES & the stats are truly stunning. Bill O’Reilly predicts that New York City will lose 1.5 MILLION residents by this time next year.

“The law is not enforced, it’s not enforced! And that’s why the city’s falling apart.”

Dana Loesch – Sept. 1

Dana Loesch – Sept. 1

Trump responds to Kyle Rittenhouse shooting, why is no one talking about Jacob Blake’s victim, apparently not all black lives matter to the movement, cancel culture, media reaction to riots, Sen. Marsha Blackburn & John Lott join the show, Headlines, FL man, today in stupidity & more

Jesse Kelly – Sep 1

Jesse Kelly – Sep 1

Jesse is fired up about a NYT article stating the U.S. Marine Corps have a race relations problem; he uses his own stories from his time in the military to explain why this is false. We discuss Trump’s visit to Kenosha and get his thoughts on the Wisconsin teen who now faces charges for defending himself during at BLM protest. Later in the show, Former NYPD Lt. Darrin Porcher joins Jesse to discuss democratic leaders around the country now being openly anti – cop.

3 States Trump NEEDS

3 States Trump NEEDS

Bill O’Reilly reveals the 3 states that win President Trump four more years in the White House.

All three swing states are moving in Trump’s direction according to new polling by The Trafalgar Group, one of the only pollsters to predict the outcome of the 2016 election.

Send In The Troops!

Send In The Troops!

Bill O’Reilly urges President Trump to deploy the National Guard to #Portland without the governor and mayor’s request after conservative #JayBishop was executed in the street over the weekend.

“90 days of violent riots in Portland? That’s enough! President Trump has the right to call in the National Guard to stop it. Do it, Mr. President!”

Dana Loesch – Aug 31

Dana Loesch – Aug 31

WEEKEND RECAP, Democrats enable the mob, media dishonesty, Trump to visit Kenosha, the fight for 2020, law & order in America, latest on the Wuhan Coronavirus, Donald Trump Jr. & Abby Johnson join the show, headlines, FL man & more