Don Jr. on Biden’s Brain

Don Jr. on Biden’s Brain

Bill O’Reilly asks Donald Trump Jr. some personal questions about his father and he pulls NO punches in his response to the question of physical fitness:

“Joe Biden has literally had two brain surgeries to deal with two separate brain aneurysms. EXPLOSIONS in his brain, Bill!”

60 Days to save USA

60 Days to save USA

America AS WE KNOW IT is on the ballot this November and the stakes have never been higher, Bill O’Reilly warns.

“That means if the Democratic Party wins the presidency and both houses of Congress, many of our rights will vanish LIKE THAT.”

Left is Insane

Left is Insane

D.C.’s Mayor, Muriel Bowser, wants to remove several monuments in the Nation’s capitol, even Benjamin Franklin who was an ABOLITIONIST!

Plus, Bill O’Reilly calls out Joy Reid for likening President Trump to Islamic radicals.

“Just so you know how crazy, insane the Left is.”

Father & Daughter Reunite!

Father & Daughter Reunite!

Madison Gesiotto shares some good news. A 1st grader is reunited with her sailor father, two teachers make back to school social distancing fun for students, Regions Bank gives back to frontline workers PLUS “foster from afar” helps save thousands of dogs and puppies

Dana Loesch – Sept.2

Dana Loesch – Sept.2

Pelosi breaks lockdown & mask orders to get a blowout, new 2020 polling, media’s reckless “reporting”, violence in Portland hits home for the Mayor, progressive privilege, Sheriff Bill Waybourn joins the show, headlines, FL man & more

Stop Glorifying Criminals

Stop Glorifying Criminals

Now that we KNOW Jacob Blake had the police called on him by his ex girlfriend whom he ASSAULTED and had MULTIPLE warrants out for his arrest INCLUDING sexual assault, it doesn’t excuse the force used on him: but why are liberals making a hero out of him all of a sudden. What about the girlfriend?

Bill & Scott Rasmussen

Bill & Scott Rasmussen

Bill O’Reilly is joined by polling guru Scott Rasmussen to break down the current state of the presidential election and how the first debate will make or break Joe Biden.

“If Joe Biden really stumbles on that first debate, he will not have a chance to make it up in the second.”