BLM & Unrest

BLM & Unrest

Bill O’Reilly points out the BIG difference between an armed & unarmed man being shot by police and calls out BLM for “trying to foment” civil unrest.

“If you have a gun and the police are trying to detain you and you resist, you are going to be shot!”

Fresh Prince Returns!

Fresh Prince Returns!

Vaccine could become reality by Nov. 1, coronavirus isn’t hurting retirement plans as Once expected, more Beirut pets are reunited with their owners PLUS Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is back for 30th Reunion Special!

Corporations Funding BLM

Corporations Funding BLM

Bill O’Reilly exposes the virtue-signaling corporations that are donating massive sums to fund “a communist movement” in the United States.

“See, Black Lives Matter is using the racial strife to drive their marxist-communist agenda. That’s what they’re doing!”

Bill Calls Out FAKE NEWS

Bill Calls Out FAKE NEWS

Bill O’Reilly calls out the FAKE NEWS as they promote Joe Biden’s visit to #Kenosha while conveniently neglecting key aspects of President Trump’s visit like $46 MILLION in federal aid.

“That’s a lie! Are there no editors at CBS News?… This is the most one-sided, B.S. reporting I’ve ever seen!”

Trump To DEFUND 4 Cities?

Trump To DEFUND 4 Cities?

Bill O’Reilly breaks down President Trump’s move to DEFUND four cities that continue to allow violent anarchists to tear their cities apart.

He plays the audio of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s response, threatening that President Trump “better have an army” if he visits his hometown of New York City.

Dana Loesch – Sept. 3

Dana Loesch – Sept. 3

Pelosi attacks salon owner, Biden heads to Kenosha, Chris Wallace to moderate the first debate, child assaulted over Trump sign, Trump’s nicknames, Phil Kerpen & John Lott join the show, headlines, FL man & more

Not Trump’s RIOTS

Not Trump’s RIOTS

Democrats are gas-lighting ALL OF US! After MONTHS of telling us that there is no looting and rioting and deaths and telling us to basically ignore what we’re seeing and hearing, NOW they’re saying it’s all Trump’s fault! Don’t listen to these liars! You know why they didn’t want him in Kenosha? Because they didn’t want YOU all to see the aftermath of the destruction.