Cuomo’s 6000 Deaths

Cuomo’s 6000 Deaths

Bill O’Reilly sets Gov. Andrew Cuomo straight after he tried to blame President Trump for his own failure on the COVID-19 pandemic.

“But the death toll in New York was LARGELY due to the nursing home situation.”

Bill reads the NY Health Department mandate that led to 6,000+ deaths.

Trump Won’t Nobel

Trump Won’t Nobel

A Norwegian politician nominated President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize but Bill O’Reilly says the far-left judges will NEVER give it to him.

“This has gotta t-off the New York Times and everybody else who hate Trump.”

Biden Believes in nothing

Biden Believes in nothing

Bill O’Reilly has a really simple question: “What does Joe Biden stand for?”

He plays the video of Biden proposing a national mask mandate 3 weeks ago… which he called unconstitutional 3 days ago.

Bill argues Biden “doesn’t believe in ANYTHING.”

BLM Blames Riots on Cops

BLM Blames Riots on Cops

Watch this clip of a #BLM leader blaming “police instigators” for the prominence of violent rioting in America’s inner cities.

Bill O’Reilly reveals how money is funnelled to the for-profit organization and how the group’s non-profit status hinges on the winner of the election.

Trump’s Nobel Nom

Trump’s Nobel Nom

President Trump’s Nobel Peace Prize nomination is more proof that he’s accomplished more in 4 years than Joe Biden has in 47 years. Just imagine what Trump can accomplish with a second term.

Lowe’s donates $55M!

Lowe’s donates $55M!

Good News: a police officer helps a family in need, a teenager starts a business and gives back to his church, Lowe’s donates $55M to help small businesses PLUS a frontline worker donates kidney to save husband from COVID-19

Dana Loesch – Sept 9

Dana Loesch – Sept 9

Trump nominated for Novel Peace Prize, Rochester police chief and staff resign, BLM in schools. Calls to change the electoral college, Biden promises all guns will be required to be ‘smart guns’, Florida polling, Cuomo signs NYC restaurants’ death warrant, headlines, FL man & more