NPA Report: Episode #2

NPA Report: Episode #2

Thomas Hodgson, Sheriff of Bristol County Massachusetts and Honorary Chair of President Trump’s 2020 Massachusetts Re-election Campaign, joins host Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (Ret.) to discuss illegal immigration, the flood of narcotics into neighborhoods, and the constitutional role of elected sheriffs.

Evil Is Real

Evil Is Real

First TV Contributor Bill Hallowell says…We live in an era of moral relativism. People want to say evil is just subjective. But the truth is evil does exist. Having studied it recently, here’s what that means and looks like. And by defining it, here’s how we avoid it — and why that matters.

Trump & The Troops

Trump & The Troops

Trump is drawing down troops in Iraq AND Afghanistan, bringing our current forever wars to a close – and the neo-con war mongers on both sides of the aisle don’t like that. You see, they make LOTS of money from troops dying and risking their lives in forever war, and if you wondered just why that little Atlantic article dropped trying to trash Trump’s reputation among the troops THIS is why. He’s a threat to the forever war establishment. And they must destroy him.

Exposed: Putin’s Evil Empire

Exposed: Putin’s Evil Empire

Jesse Kelly reminds America that Vladimir Putin and his cronies in Russia are still a major threat to this nation. Jesse and his guests discuss Putin’s propensity for poisoning his rivals and invading smaller nations. The Cold War may be over but Putin’s Evil Empire is alive and well.

Dana Loesch – Sep 11

Dana Loesch – Sep 11

Remembering 9/11- 19 years later, remembering Benghazi, woke capitalism, cancel culture at the University of Rhode Island, Mueller team “accidentally” wipes at least 15 phones before DOJ could examine them, Rep. Matt Schaefer & Gretchen Smith join the show, headlines, the return of open line Friday, FL man & more