NBC Inciting Violence

NBC Inciting Violence

Bill O’Reilly calls NBC “the most grossly irresponsible news agency on television,” alleging that they “incite violence” by race-baiting to their far-left audience which puts police officers’ lives at risk.

He’s got the footage to back it up and argues that MSNBC is even worse than “Fake News” CNN, on race at least.

Mailing In Voting Is Fraud

Mailing In Voting Is Fraud

Bill O’Reilly says the president’s concern over election fraud is well-founded. That’s why many developed countries have BANNED mail-in ballots. So why are 27 states pushing forward with it?

“The left-wing press doesn’t want you to know the truth that most countries know it’s fraud!”

NPA Report: Episode #4

NPA Report: Episode #4

Art del Cueto, Border Patrol agent and vice president of the National Border Patrol Council, joins host Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (Ret.) to discuss the ongoing immigration crisis at the border and the 2020 elections.

Kaepernick HATES America

Kaepernick HATES America

Colin Kaepernick “HATES this country,” says Bill O’Reilly and his recent tweet about police is all the evidence you need to see that.

Bill humbles Lebron James amid his #BreonnaTaylor comments: “There was no verdict, Mr. James… I know you don’t know that because you don’t know much!”

Jesse Kelly – Sep 24

Jesse Kelly – Sep 24

Jesse is angry about our country doing nothing to put a stop to the violence that has been evolving around our country for months. Louisville is the latest city to join in the rioting after the verdict was announced in the Breonna Taylor case. We discuss the defund the police movement that many celebrities and politicians are backing. Drew Berquist joins Jesse to talk about last night’s violence in Louisville and how we are now becoming numb to the violence we see because we’ve seen it so often.