
IT’S A START: Officials in Pennsylvania Agree to ‘Remove Dead People from Voting Lists’

IT’S A START: Officials in Pennsylvania Agree to ‘Remove Dead People from Voting Lists’

Officials in the state of Pennsylvania reached a tentative agreement with outside groups and organizations Friday to remove “dead people” from voting lists before the 2022 Midterm Elections. “As of October 7, 2020, at least 9,212 registrants have been dead for at least five years, at least 1,990 registrants have been dead for at least …

WOKE at 30,000 FT: United Airlines Vows to Have 50% of Pilots ‘Women or People of Color’ in 10 Years

WOKE at 30,000 FT: United Airlines Vows to Have 50% of Pilots ‘Women or People of Color’ in 10 Years

United Airlines surprised some frequent flyers this week when they announced their plan to have 50% of all pilots be “women or people of color” in the next decade; a move many called “frightening.” “Our flight deck should reflect the diverse group of people on board our planes every day. That’s why we plan for …

PSAKI BOMB: Press Secretary Grilled on Why Biden May Flip His Opinion on Expanding Supreme Court

PSAKI BOMB: Press Secretary Grilled on Why Biden May Flip His Opinion on Expanding Supreme Court

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki clammed-up Friday when she was asked why President Biden may reverse his decision on expanding the Supreme Court; a move he once described as a “bonehead idea.” “President Biden once said in 1983 he thought court-packing was a bonehead idea when FDR tried it,” said Pete Doocy. “So why …

DNC APPROVED! NYT Calls Biden’s Supreme Court Panel an ‘Effort to Balance Majority Created by Trump’

DNC APPROVED! NYT Calls Biden’s Supreme Court Panel an ‘Effort to Balance Majority Created by Trump’

President Joe Biden signed an Executive Action Friday that will formally create the “Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States.” Progressives have been advocating adding additional justices to the bench since Biden won the Democratic Party’s nomination in 2020. “Breaking News: President Biden will create a panel to study expanding the Supreme …

Just IN: Joe Biden Signs Executive Order to ‘Create Panel’ to Examine Expanding Supreme Court

Just IN: Joe Biden Signs Executive Order to ‘Create Panel’ to Examine Expanding Supreme Court

President Joe Biden signed an Executive Action Friday that will formally create the “Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States.” Progressives have been advocating adding additional justices to the bench since Biden won the Democratic Party’s nomination in 2020. “When Democrats are out of power, anything in the system that stops Republicans …

KERRY in CONTROL? Biden to Increase State Dept. Budget by 12%, Wants Another $14 BILLION for Climate

KERRY in CONTROL? Biden to Increase State Dept. Budget by 12%, Wants Another $14 BILLION for Climate

President Joe Biden is urging the federal government to boost spending on both the State Department and Climate Change as his administration piles trillions onto the national debt. As of April 2021, the debt is now greater than the entire Gross Domestic Product of the United States of America. “Responding to the climate crisis depends …

TRUMP: USA Becoming a Socialist Nation, Biden Administration is ‘Bernie Sanders on Steroids’

TRUMP: USA Becoming a Socialist Nation, Biden Administration is ‘Bernie Sanders on Steroids’

Donald Trump called-out ‘Slow’ Joe Biden in a recent interview where he labeled the top Democrat “Bernie Sanders on steroids” and claimed his policies have quickly turned the United States into a “socialist nation.” “It’s a full-time job, it’s a lot of work. I think other people are making most of the decisions. Let’s put …

CDC BOSS: ‘Racism’ a ‘Serious Public Health Threat’ in America, ‘Affects the Well-Being of Millions’

CDC BOSS: ‘Racism’ a ‘Serious Public Health Threat’ in America, ‘Affects the Well-Being of Millions’

The Director for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned America of the dangers posed by “racism” towards a person’s health this week; releasing a statement that said it “affects our entire nation.” “What we know is this: racism is a serious public health threat that directly affects the well-being of millions of Americans,” …

That’s a New One… Elizabeth Warren Says Canceling Student Debt Will Promote ‘Generational Justice!’

That’s a New One… Elizabeth Warren Says Canceling Student Debt Will Promote ‘Generational Justice!’

Far-left Senator Elizabeth Warren made another passionate plea for the elimination of student debt Thursday by promoting another new benefit: ‘Generational Justice.’ “Canceling $50,000 of student debt would help close the Black-white wealth gap, put money in people’s pockets, and lift a huge weight off millions of shoulders. It is a matter of racial justice. …

BIG APPLE PAYOUT: NY Offers $15,600 to ‘Undocumented Immigrants Who Lost Work’ Due to COVID

BIG APPLE PAYOUT: NY Offers $15,600 to ‘Undocumented Immigrants Who Lost Work’ Due to COVID

Legislators in New York approved checks of $15,600 for “undocumented immigrants” who lost work during the COVID-19 pandemic and are otherwise ineligible for relief from the federal government. “New York will offer one-time payments of up to $15,600 to undocumented immigrants who lost work during the pandemic. The effort — a $2.1 billion fund in …

Saint Fauci Flips, Says US Now on the Verge of Virus Surge, Asks Americans to ‘Hang on Longer’

Saint Fauci Flips, Says US Now on the Verge of Virus Surge, Asks Americans to ‘Hang on Longer’

Doctor Anthony Fauci warned Americans the country could see a new wave of the COVID-19 virus within weeks if people “declare victory prematurely.” “It’s almost a race between getting people vaccinated and this surge that seems to want to increase,” Fauci said. “Hang in there a bit longer,” he added. “Now is not the time, …