Joe Biden

EVERYTHING’S FINE! White House Blames Biden’s Tarmac Tumble on ‘The Wind’

EVERYTHING’S FINE! White House Blames Biden’s Tarmac Tumble on ‘The Wind’

A top White House official dismissed growing questions surrounding President Biden’s health this week after the Commander-in-Chief tumbled while boarding Air Force One, bizarrely blaming the incident on “wind.” “It’s pretty windy outside. It’s very windy. I almost fell coming up the steps myself,” said White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. She went on …

‘MAJOR RED FLAGS’: Ex White House Doctor for 3 Presidents Says Biden ‘Not Right’ Mentally or Physically

‘MAJOR RED FLAGS’: Ex White House Doctor for 3 Presidents Says Biden ‘Not Right’ Mentally or Physically

Dr. Ronny Jackson -who previously served under three presidents including Donald Trump and Barack Obama- confirmed on social media this week that something is “not right” with Joe Biden and his absence raises “major red flags.” “I served as White House physician under THREE Presidents. I’ve seen what it takes physically AND mentally to do …

The Joe Biden Hypocrisy | 03-05-21

The Joe Biden Hypocrisy | 03-05-21

By all accounts, the Biden Administration has been an abject disaster from day one. We tried to warn the voters, but there was nothing we could say to neutralize that hate directed at President Trump. Now, just six weeks in, as reality continues to set in, so does Biden/Harris buyers’ remorse. He has been a disappointment, hypocrite — and arguably — tyrannical, when it comes to immigration, ‘unity,’ race relations, press availability, diplomacy, jobs, and virus management. Jesse Kelly and guests are here to sound the alarm…again. What can we do to stop the tsunami of policy that continues to erode our nation? We’ve got answers!