Joe Biden

WAR on REALITY: Senior Biden Advisor Redefines Meaning of ‘Bipartisan’ as GOP Says ‘No’ to Spending

WAR on REALITY: Senior Biden Advisor Redefines Meaning of ‘Bipartisan’ as GOP Says ‘No’ to Spending

A senior advisor to President Joe Biden conveniently redefined the meaning of the word “Bipartisan” in recent days as Republicans jump ship on the administration’s massive new spending spree. “If you looked up ‘bipartisan’ in the dictionary, I think it would say support from Republicans and Democrats,” senior Biden adviser Anita Dunn told the Washington Post. …

KERRY in CONTROL? Biden to Increase State Dept. Budget by 12%, Wants Another $14 BILLION for Climate

KERRY in CONTROL? Biden to Increase State Dept. Budget by 12%, Wants Another $14 BILLION for Climate

President Joe Biden is urging the federal government to boost spending on both the State Department and Climate Change as his administration piles trillions onto the national debt. As of April 2021, the debt is now greater than the entire Gross Domestic Product of the United States of America. “Responding to the climate crisis depends …

TRUMP: USA Becoming a Socialist Nation, Biden Administration is ‘Bernie Sanders on Steroids’

TRUMP: USA Becoming a Socialist Nation, Biden Administration is ‘Bernie Sanders on Steroids’

Donald Trump called-out ‘Slow’ Joe Biden in a recent interview where he labeled the top Democrat “Bernie Sanders on steroids” and claimed his policies have quickly turned the United States into a “socialist nation.” “It’s a full-time job, it’s a lot of work. I think other people are making most of the decisions. Let’s put …

U-TURN: Biden Admin Offers Mixed Messaging on ‘Background Checks’ Within One Hour

U-TURN: Biden Admin Offers Mixed Messaging on ‘Background Checks’ Within One Hour

The Biden administration confused countless viewers Thursday when the President asserted that people can “buy whatever you want” at a Gun Show with “no background check” just moments before the Press Secretary said that position “is not his belief.” “Is it the president’s belief that you do not have to undergo a background check when …

UPDATE: Biden Targets ‘Stabilizing Braces’ for Pistols, Other ‘Modifications to Firearms’

UPDATE: Biden Targets ‘Stabilizing Braces’ for Pistols, Other ‘Modifications to Firearms’

President Biden targeted “modifications to firearms” during his press briefing Thursday when he claimed “stabilizing braces for pistols” make certain types of guns “more lethal and accurate” than a “mini rifle.” “Pistols modified with stabilizing braces… It essentially makes that pistol a hell of a lot more accurate than a mini rifle. As a result, …

BIDEN: States Should Pass ‘Red Flag Laws’ to ‘Remove Firearms’ from Dangerous People

BIDEN: States Should Pass ‘Red Flag Laws’ to ‘Remove Firearms’ from Dangerous People

President Biden set his sights on the Second Amendment Thursday by unveiling a series of new Executive Actions aimed at limiting firearms and promoting “Red Flag Laws” in every state in the US. “During my campaign for President, I wanted to make it easy for states to adopt ‘Red Flag Laws.’ These laws allow police …

Just IN: Joe Biden to ‘Restore’ $235 MILLION in US Aid to Palestinians Slashed by Trump

Just IN: Joe Biden to ‘Restore’ $235 MILLION in US Aid to Palestinians Slashed by Trump

President Biden is poised to restore roughly $235 million in US foreign aid to Palestinian Authorities in a swift reversal from policies implemented by the Trump administration. “Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the US plans included $75m in economic and development assistance in the West Bank and Gaza, $10m for peacebuilding programmes through the US …

SLOW JOE: Biden ‘Looking Forward to the Prospect’ that America Will Be ‘Able to Have a Fourth of July’

SLOW JOE: Biden ‘Looking Forward to the Prospect’ that America Will Be ‘Able to Have a Fourth of July’

President Biden dampened expectations for Americans hoping to return to normalcy after being vaccinated Tuesday when he said he was hopeful that some may be “able to have a Fourth of July” this year. “I’m still looking forward to the prospect, if we keep the pace we’re on and we listen to one another and …

WATCH: Biden Flips on Georgia Boycott, Says ‘It’s Up to the Masters’ Where They Hold Their Tournament

WATCH: Biden Flips on Georgia Boycott, Says ‘It’s Up to the Masters’ Where They Hold Their Tournament

President Joe Biden flipped his position on Georgia boycotts this week after advocating for Major League Baseball to relocate their All-Star Game from Atlanta. The Commander-in-Chief now believes it’s “up to the Masters” where they hold their golf tournament. Watch Biden’s comments above.