Joe Biden

WATCH: Biden Tries to Explain Why He Wore a Mask, Outside, Alone, to Tell People They Can Remove Their Masks

WATCH: Biden Tries to Explain Why He Wore a Mask, Outside, Alone, to Tell People They Can Remove Their Masks

President Joe Biden informed millions of vaccinated Americans Tuesday they can remove their masks when outdoors; despite wearing his mask while outdoors. “If the risk is so low outdoors, why doesn’t it apply to everybody?” asked one reporter. “You chose to wear a mask; what message were you sending by wearing a mask outside alone?” …

ALL MASK, NO FLAG: Biden the Only World Leader to Wear Mask, In the White House, on a Video Call

ALL MASK, NO FLAG: Biden the Only World Leader to Wear Mask, In the White House, on a Video Call

President Biden was the only world leader to wear a COVID face mask when taking part in a round-table discussion this week; with some users on social media also pointing out the absence of the American Flag. “Leaders who could be seen maskless on the call Friday included Russian president Vladimir Putin, German chancellor Angela Merkel, Turkish …