Jill Biden

America in Crisis

America in Crisis

Sheriff David Clark Jr. explains how the border was close to fixed in the Trump-Era, and now we are facing a huge border crisis with our administration. Speaking of facing a crisis, the U.S. is now facing historic crime levels. 60-something shootings, homicide rate rising; America is in crisis

FAIL: First Lady Jill Biden Tragically Tries to Speak Spanish to Group of 14 People

FAIL: First Lady Jill Biden Tragically Tries to Speak Spanish to Group of 14 People

First Lady Jill Biden struggled to speak Spanish to a group of about 14 people this week when she bizarrely screamed “Si Se Paudue!” Mrs. Biden was presumably trying to say “Si Se Puede,” which translates to “Yes We Can” -a common slogan from Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign. Watch Jill Biden’s strange speech above.