Dana Loesch is the the top nationally syndicated female talk show host in the country, and you can watch every day right here on The First.
Dana’s original brand of young, punk-rock, conservative irreverence has found a fast-growing multi-media audience. She’s feisty and fearless without being abrasive and shrill. Watch all of Dana’s unique and original programming right here on The First!
The latest media propaganda, highlights of AG Barr’s testimony, Biden VP update, CNN’s Jake Tapper wants an apology, The five point progressive strategy, “peaceful” protests across the country, Andy McCarthy joins the show, headlines, FL man, today in stupidity & more
Latest Wuhan Coronavirus updates, New Series: the left’s five point strategy, New 2020 polling, Portland on fire, cancel culture in America, bending a knee to Marxism, NYT & communist China, Fl Man, headlines & more
Chicago violence rages on, LA approves $145 million in cuts to Sheriffs department, Gov. Cuomo admits mistakes, City removes BLM mural, digital fascism, teacher fired over pro-Trump tweet, welcome to the Second Amendment revolution, Sen. Josh Hawley & TX Rep. Briscoe Cain join the show, Headlines, FL man & more
Activist prosecutor charges the McCloskeys for self defense, Broward mandates mask use at home, BMI’s and parks are now racist, school mandates lessons on institutional racism, Red Bull vs. cancel culture, Missouri AG Eric Schmitt and Rep. Louie Gohmert join the show, Headlines, Fl man & more
Weekend recap, latest on the 20202 Presidential race, chaos continues in Portland, Kanye West holds 1st campaign rally, Wuhan Coronavirus updates, international update with Stephen Yates, Headlines, FL man & more
WAPO’s false reporting on crime rates and legal gun purchases, Berkeley to replace cops with “unarmed civil servants”, Walmart & Kroger weigh in on mask debate, will masks be used as voter suppression?, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp joins the show, open-lines, Hatemail, FL man, headlines and more
Systemic Leftism, Gov. Kemp fights back on mask mandates, Twitter hacking and the questions we need answered, 2020 updates, backlash grows against cancel culture, St. Louis man who defended his home, Mark McCloskey, joins the show, headlines, FL man & more
Media’s fear mongering & misinformation, it’s tax day, Trump was right on police stats, Burger King vows to fight cow farts, a biology lesson for the latest rage mob, Wuhan Coronavirus updates, more cancel culture, Sen. Ted Cruz and Roger Stone join the show, Headlines, FL man & more
Media’s fear mongering & misinformation, it’s tax day, Trump was right on police stats, Burger King vows to fight cow farts, a biology lesson for the latest rage mob, Wuhan Coronavirus updates, more cancel culture, Sen. Ted Cruz and Roger Stone join the show, Headlines, FL man & more
The inconsistencies on mask wearing, lockdowns in the U.S., Police raid the McCloskeys house and confiscate guns, the war on rights, cancel culture backfires, trust in Mail-in ballots, reactions to Roger Stone’s commutation,
SCOTUS blocks congress from getting Trump’s tax records, the “republican death cult mentality”, latest with BLM, Biden & 2020 updates, NYPD retirements surge, more cancel culture, Newt Gingrich joins the show, Headlines, FL man & more