Dana Loesch is the the top nationally syndicated female talk show host in the country, and you can watch every day right here on The First.
Dana’s original brand of young, punk-rock, conservative irreverence has found a fast-growing multi-media audience. She’s feisty and fearless without being abrasive and shrill. Watch all of Dana’s unique and original programming right here on The First!
Remembering 9/11- 19 years later, remembering Benghazi, woke capitalism, cancel culture at the University of Rhode Island, Mueller team “accidentally” wipes at least 15 phones before DOJ could examine them, Rep. Matt Schaefer & Gretchen Smith join the show, headlines, the return of open line Friday, FL man & more
Media’s coordinated attack on Trump, the truth about critical race theory, fighting back against Marxism, Netflix and normalizing pedophilia, Trump fires back, Clint Lorance joins the show, headlines, FL man, today in stupidity and more
Trump nominated for Novel Peace Prize, Rochester police chief and staff resign, BLM in schools. Calls to change the electoral college, Biden promises all guns will be required to be ‘smart guns’, Florida polling, Cuomo signs NYC restaurants’ death warrant, headlines, FL man & more
2020 election updates, Trump and the Atlantic, BLM supporters harass restaurants and injure 3 police officers in Rochester, another Hobby Lobby boycott launched by the left, Kamala Harris visit’s Jacob Blake and family, Disney’s Mulan scandal, another crackdown in Hong Kong, Stephen Yates joins the show, headlines, FL man & more
Pelosi attacks salon owner, Biden heads to Kenosha, Chris Wallace to moderate the first debate, child assaulted over Trump sign, Trump’s nicknames, Phil Kerpen & John Lott join the show, headlines, FL man & more
Pelosi breaks lockdown & mask orders to get a blowout, new 2020 polling, media’s reckless “reporting”, violence in Portland hits home for the Mayor, progressive privilege, Sheriff Bill Waybourn joins the show, headlines, FL man & more
Trump responds to Kyle Rittenhouse shooting, why is no one talking about Jacob Blake’s victim, apparently not all black lives matter to the movement, cancel culture, media reaction to riots, Sen. Marsha Blackburn & John Lott join the show, Headlines, FL man, today in stupidity & more
WEEKEND RECAP, Democrats enable the mob, media dishonesty, Trump to visit Kenosha, the fight for 2020, law & order in America, latest on the Wuhan Coronavirus, Donald Trump Jr. & Abby Johnson join the show, headlines, FL man & more
RNC highlights, Hurricane Laura updates, breaking down the shooting at the Kenosha riots, Trump approval, the NBA boycott, fact checking the media, Rep. Louis Gohmert & Rick Ector join the show, headlines, FL man & more
RNC Highlights and shocking reactions, armed rioters in Wisconsin destroy more property and attack business owners, teacher fired for comparing police to KKK, video exposes fascism at DC restaurant, Matt Schlapp joins the show, headlines FL man, today in stupidity & more
Highlights from RNC night one, “enemies of the state”, the grifters keep coming, the shooting of Jacob Blake, the “neo-liberals”, GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel joins the show along with Julio Rosas live from the Kenosha riots, headlines, FL man & more
What to expect from the RNC, Wuhan Coronavirus updates, protests in South Korea over Coronavirus restrictions, Kamala Harris under fire, China works to get Biden elected, riots rage on, headlines, FL man & more