Dana Loesch is the the top nationally syndicated female talk show host in the country, and you can watch every day right here on The First.
Dana’s original brand of young, punk-rock, conservative irreverence has found a fast-growing multi-media audience. She’s feisty and fearless without being abrasive and shrill. Watch all of Dana’s unique and original programming right here on The First!
Dana talks on Vice President Kamala Harris first visit to the southern border in El Paso, Texas, after being criticized for abandoning the border crisis.
Dana is joined by Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) Former Secretary Of State under Trump, CIA Director (Christian, husband, father, Army veteran, Kansan and proud American) on how devastating the policies of Democrats, represented by Biden on the world stage, only shows weakness.
Dana talks about parents fighting against critical race theory in schools and how President Biden, supported by the democrat party, practices division and suppression based on race and social class.
Dana talks with Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza – Host of “The Dinesh D’Souza Podcast”) on Critical Race Theory, which is an offshoot of the Marxist ‘Critical Theory’, and how Democrats work in concert with the media to deliver misinformation that shapes a divisive narrative.
Dana talks about President Biden’s new gun control plan, the background checks record, and how this will specifically affect the firearms industry and potentially violate the Second Amendment rights.
Dana is joined by J Christian Adams (@ElectionLawCtr), Election lawyer @PILFoundation, New York Time bestselling author of ‘Injustice’ on yesterday’s defeat of Democrat’s attempt to move power from the States to the Federal Government, referred to as ‘HR 1’ or ’S 1’.
@Dana Loesch talks with Charles Payne (@cvpayne), Host of “Making Money With Charles Payne” – Weekdays 2-3p ET on Fox Business, on AMC stock prices, what is driving it – and the fight with ‘shorters’ vs those who are holding the stock long.