Dana Loesch is the the top nationally syndicated female talk show host in the country, and you can watch every day right here on The First.
Dana’s original brand of young, punk-rock, conservative irreverence has found a fast-growing multi-media audience. She’s feisty and fearless without being abrasive and shrill. Watch all of Dana’s unique and original programming right here on The First!
Biden denies plan to pay illegal immigrants at the border; Uncle Sam blames Trump for Virginia loss, Jan. 4 deadline for vaccination mandate, Parents vs. School Board, Winsome Sears’ historic VA election victory, wearing skirts to class to ‘promote equality,’ Supreme Court looks to medieval England in gun rights case, Alec Baldwin’s case update, AG Eric Schmitt joins the show, Quickfive, FL man, Today in stupidity & more.
Dana talks with Missouri’s Attorney General, Eric Schmitt (@AGEricSchmitt / @Eric_Schmitt) on the Biden Administration FORCING businesses with 100 or more employees to get those employees vaccinated, or regularly tested, as this IS NOT an authority the Federal Government actually has.
Election results, Democrats lost VA, Hispanic & Asian voters leaving Dems in VA, NJ Governor Race, NY went from “defund the police” to electing a cop, a terrible graphic designer, Taliban’s “kill list” of gay people, Bidenflation, American Airlines flight cancellations, Germany & “renewable” energy, Rep. Jim Jordan & Paris Dennard join the show, Quickfive, FL man, Today In Stupidity & more.
Dana is joined by @GOP National Spokesman & Director of Black Media Affairs, Paris Dennard (@PARISDENNARD) on the political beat-down that Democrats took last night, in Virginia and across the country – and how this points to what the 2022 MidTerms are going to look like.
Dana is joined by TX Rep. Chip Roy on Biden Admin paying illegal migrants more than gold star families who have lost loved ones fighting for this country, and more.