Dana Loesch is the the top nationally syndicated female talk show host in the country, and you can watch every day right here on The First.
Dana’s original brand of young, punk-rock, conservative irreverence has found a fast-growing multi-media audience. She’s feisty and fearless without being abrasive and shrill. Watch all of Dana’s unique and original programming right here on The First!
Dana and Stephen Yates (@YatesComms) discuss Russia’s desire to invade Ukraine, Russia-China plans of a new world order, S. Korea paying Iran’s UN dues with frozen funds & more.
Biden approval hits new low at one-year mark, Hillary Clinton’s deleted tweet on Filibuster vote, Texas synagogue hostage situation, Hunter Biden’s trips to China, Russia & Kazakhstan, France to ease COVID restrictions, NBC not sending announcers to Winter Olympics, Dr. Robert Malone & Dr. Peter McCullough join the show, Today in wokery, Quickfive, FL man, Today in stupidity & more.
Dana is joined by Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine platform, MD, MS, Northwestern School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School fellow – Global Clinical Research Scholar (2016) – on the latest data on Omicron, Natural Immunity and mandates.
Biden defends his first year in office, U.S. Senate FAILS to change filibuster rules, Russia-Ukraine tensions, A new democratic talking point, VP Harris snaps at NBC Today anchor, Psaki cleaning up Biden’s disaster, Hunter Biden’s trips to Kazakhstan, Russia, and China; France to ease COVID restrictions, Starbucks kills vax mandate, Today in wokery, Quickfive, FL man, Today in stupidity & more.
Texas synagogue hostage situation, Soviet-style street art, Michigan Democratic Party questioning parents’ role in schools, Paul Begala on Democrats’ problem, DirectTV cancels OAN, Bill de Blasio not running for NY governor, Alex Bruesewitz joins the show, Today in wokery, Quickfive, FL man, Today in stupidity & more.