America Gets Bigger As Texas Claims Islands in Rio Grande
America Gets Bigger As Texas Claims Islands in Rio Grande
Doesn’t look like ongoing battle between Texas and the Biden administration to defend our Southern border against invasion is going to end anytime soon. Mike Slater is joined by Dawn Buckingham, M.D., Texas Land Commissioner, for a deep dive into the rights the state has. Plus, Texas just got bigger as it claims islands in the Rio Grande.
Lehren: Nikki Haley Betting It All On 2024
Lehren: Nikki Haley Betting It All On 2024
Nikki Haley hasn’t come close to defeating Donald Trump by any metric but she remains in the race. Sean Spicer and Tomi Lehren discuss why she really has nothing to lose with this strategy. If something happens to Trump she’ll be there to pick up the scraps.
Big Trouble Brewing in Texas Over Broken Border
Big Trouble Brewing in Texas Over Broken Border
‘Fearless’ host Tomi Lahren joins Sean to discuss Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s fearless response to the Federal government. It’s been been a while since we’ve seen leadership like this.
Is Jon Stewart Real News or Liberal Propaganda?
Is Jon Stewart Real News or Liberal Propaganda?
Jon Stewart is returning to the Daily Show. While the liberals celebrate, Mike Slater and John Nolte (Breitbart Senior News Editor) explain why the program was nothing but leftist propaganda the first time around.
Why Some People Don’t Understand Donald Trump
Why Some People Don’t Understand Donald Trump
The New York Times published an opinion piece that claims Trump rode a wave of pessimism into the White House. Mike Slater explains why so many people misunderstand what Donald Trump is all about.
TV Ratings for the New Hampshire Primary Plummet
TV Ratings for the New Hampshire Primary Plummet
Americans are tuning-out the corporate media’s coverage of the Republican primaries. Bill breaks down the latest stats.
The Biggest Religious Group in the USA is Now ‘Nones’
The Biggest Religious Group in the USA is Now ‘Nones’
Bill analyzes a new poll on religious affiliation. According to Pew Research, the biggest religious group is now ‘unaffiliated.’ What does that mean for American society?
The Biden Campaign Makes Abortion Its Main Issue
The Biden Campaign Makes Abortion Its Main Issue
The Biden campaign is focusing on unrestricted abortions as the central theme of its re-election efforts… But the Catholic Church is finally pushing back.
Nikki Haley is on a Mission to Destroy Donald Trump
Nikki Haley is on a Mission to Destroy Donald Trump
The former Governor of South Carolina is on a mission to derail Donald Trump before Super Tuesday. Can she succeed?
Will Donald Trump Debate Nikki Haley?
Will Donald Trump Debate Nikki Haley?
Despite losing to Donald Trump in New Hampshire, Nikki Haley has vowed to stay in the race. Her odds of beating Trump are low but a bigger question remains: Will Donald Trump agree to debate Nikki Haley?
The Infection That’s Plaguing Broadcast Media
The Infection That’s Plaguing Broadcast Media
Bill exposes a theme that’s running rampant across all broadcast media channels — they’re giving you absolute nonsense! Pundits and reporters have no obligation to give you anything more than trite cliches and their feelings.
President Joe Biden’s Declining Mental State
President Joe Biden’s Declining Mental State
It doesn’t take an expert to see that President Joe Biden’s metal states is in rapid decline, but we brought one in anyway. Dr. Carole Lieberman joins the No Spin News to discuss Joe Biden’s mental health.