Must See Moments

America, the “Stolen Land?”

America, the “Stolen Land?”

So, what’s the story behind the lie that America is “built on stolen land?” Will Chamberlain has the details behind this myth. As Will Chamberlain states, The best world is the world where we don’t have any of these conflicts and disputes that lead to war, as fighting over land can do.

U.S. Blamed for Cuban Protests

U.S. Blamed for Cuban Protests

Why is the U.S. embargo being blamed for empowering the Cuban regime? Former President Barack Obama even put an end to the embargo for a period of time, so clearly that’s not the problem. Dana Loesch breaks down why the American embargo is not to be blamed for what’s happening in Cuba.

The Egregious Mistake on COVID-19

The Egregious Mistake on COVID-19

Bobby Starbuck elaborates on the mental health aspect of COVID on our children, how it has deeply, deeply affected our businesses, especially small business, and the COVID craziness in liberal cities. As a father to young children, Bobby saw, first-hand, how kids were affected by the pandemic lockdown. He speaks on the specific thing he …

Teacher’s Union Lying Under Pressure

Teacher’s Union Lying Under Pressure

School board elections are the most important in the critical race theory battle. Here we have the head of the teacher’s union spewing lies, claiming teachers are not teaching CRT in schools. Instead, she is accusing those of bullying teachers and stopping them from teaching history. Autry Pruitt on the battle over teaching CRT in …

White House Endorses Censorship

White House Endorses Censorship

Dana questions the White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s statement and talks about how the government wants to silence people who do not respect their ideology in a prominent but “legal” way and how the big technological corporations and social networks work in conjunction with the government.