Must See Moments

Trump Leads THREE Lawsuits Against Big Tech

Trump Leads THREE Lawsuits Against Big Tech

Disinformation, misinformation, it’s all in Biden’s plan to censor us on social media platforms and take away our First Amendment rights. As well all know, the Biden administration is censoring Trump as well, by banning him from social media. Executive Director of Constitutional Litigation Partnership at America First Policy Institute, Katie Sullivan, is here to break down why Trump is the President for the people, his legal argument against Big Tech, collusion with Democrats and social media, how the history of Section 230 relates to ‘The Wolf of Wall Street,’ and what’s the “one thing that drives her every day.”

Can Biden Be Impeached for This?

Can Biden Be Impeached for This?

COVID cases amongst detainees rises 900%. 900%. An unreal percentage. COVID is coming in through the border. Lora Ries lays out the hard truth on the reality of the border crisis, why the left needs to be called out for blatantly violating the safety and security of the American people, and how the Biden administration is choosing what laws they want to ignore and what to enforce.

‘REMAKING AMERICA”: Biden’s Border Disaster

‘REMAKING AMERICA”: Biden’s Border Disaster

As if the border crisis couldn’t get any worse than what’s already going on, it has. Border numbers have increased again in June. Migrant crossings are at a 21-year high, a 450% INCREASE in the last year. What’s even worse is that over a 1,000 pounds of fentanyl was recovered at the border in June, alone. We saw a scary increase in drug overdoses across the country over the past year. We, for sure, do not need migrants now sneaking drugs off to add to the problem. Jesse Kelly has the hard truth on how the Biden Administration is trying to reshape America.

Biden Makes the Point for Donald Trump

Biden Makes the Point for Donald Trump

We have the CCP threatening to nuke Japan, while showing itself as an enemy to the U.S. Meanwhile, Biden does nothing about it, and chooses to rather focus on flagging Facebook to silence the American citizens. Senator Marsha Blackburn shares her response on the CCP’s threat, and what she means when she says the Biden administration’s actions are making Donald Trump’s point for him.

U.S. Media Sees Steep Decline in Credibility

U.S. Media Sees Steep Decline in Credibility

Tim Graham, Executive Director of NewsBusters, details the U.S. media encompassing 46 countries by coming in dead-last as the least trustworthy. Between conspiracy theories, to misleading information, to even falsifying news reports, the U.S. media’s credibility has hit an all-time low. There are so many blatant examples of the media’s nonsense, that it’s an embarrassment. Once the trust is broken, it’s almost impossible to repair it.