Must See Moments

O’Reilly / Trump: Joe Biden is Bad

O’Reilly / Trump: Joe Biden is Bad

Bill O’Reilly sits down to interview President Trump and asks about the real Joe Biden. Afghanistan – a catastrophe, high inflation, a collapsed border. How can somebody be this bad?

“You would almost say nobody can be that stupid. Nobody can be doing this thinking it’s good… he must be doing it on purpose.”

Watch the full interview Monday, October 18th @ 8pm on the First –

Leaked Border Documents REVEAL It All

Leaked Border Documents REVEAL It All

This may just be the BIGGEST story in the country. The Biden administration is reshaping America into something much, much worse. We don’t even know who we are welcoming in, and there is no indication that this isn’t going to stop or slow down, and leaked documents show it’s going to get EVEN WORSE. Jesse Kelly exposes the border crisis, as the explains why it’s all about the Dems getting votes.

School Board Covers Up Assault, Vilifies Father

School Board Covers Up Assault, Vilifies Father

Scott Smith. Do you recognize that name? Scott Smith is a Loudoun County parent, who was arrested back in June after speaking out at a school board meeting, and also who the NSBA now considers to be the face of “domestic terrorism” across America. Yet, Scott’s world got turned upside down when his ninth-grade daughter was raped in a bathroom at school, and the Loudon County school district decided to cover-up the entire thing. Dana Loesch shares the HORRIFYING details of this case, as she discusses the DOJ targeting parents and the Left-wing lunatics who are ruining America’s public schools.